5 Autumn Lawn Care Tips to Prepare for Lower Temperatures

5 Autumn Lawn Care Tips to Prepare for Lower Temperatures

More than 80 percent of landscape professionals offer lawn care. If you’re struggling to grow the perfect lawn, you’re not alone.

Preparing your lawn for the winter months is one way to improve the look and health of your grass. Here are some autumn lawn care tips to help you get ready for the winter.

1. Tackle Lawn Repair Tasks

The fall is a great time to fix any patches or bald spots and should be part of your fall lawn care routine. To avoid uneven lawn color, overseed using the right seed to match the grass in the repair area.

Part of your lawn care for autumn should include general overseeding. The hot summer sun is gone, and nights are cool. It’s the best time to apply seed because there’s still moisture in the earth, and the ground is still warm. 

2. Feed Your Lawn

The fall might seem like the wrong time to apply fertilizer because winter isn’t an active growing season. Your lawn may stop growing, but the roots are still active, so they’ll be looking for nutrients. 

Buy the right mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Fertilizers higher in nitrogen are a nutrient source for greener grass.

Schedule an application of fertilizer in your autumn lawn care treatments. About three weeks before your last mowing is the best time. Your grass will store some of the food over the winter, so your lawn will get a head start in the spring.

3. Dethatch and Aerate

If you want to have thicker grass, you need to loosen your soil. This lets nutrients and water reach the roots of your lawn, which helps it grow. Heavy clay or compacted soils are the sources of most lawn problems.

You can aerate patches of your lawn by hand. Use a border fork for small areas. You can rent an aerator for a large area and do the work yourself. At Rdslawncare.com, you’ll find professionals to help you with your lawn treatments.

4. Water in the Fall

It’s essential to water your lawn as you move into cooler months. Water helps your lawn recover from hotter summer temperatures. It also allows any fertilizer to soak down into the roots.

Avoid overwatering if you live in a rainy area. An average lawn needs about an inch of water per week in the fall. 

5. Prevent Winter Damage

You can take steps to prevent damage to your lawn that sometimes occurs over the winter. You can avoid snow, mold damage, and damage from mice by mowing until your lawn is dormant in the fall.

Clean any vegetation from the lawn and use slow-release fertilizers. Promote air circulation by pruning shrubs around the yard to reduce shady patches.

Adopt an Autumn Lawn Care Routine

Now that you understand the importance of autumn lawn care, you’ll be sure to make some changes in your fall routine. Your lawn will be ready for the winter, and you’ll notice the difference in the spring.

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