It is said that youth is a divine treasure, but experience also has its advantages for gentlemen, here we tell you why women like mature men.
According to a study from the University of Texas, the stability projected by a man older than her is one of the main reasons why women like mature men.
The reasons according to them
1.- Maturity. You can bet that he has much more knowledge of life than you and he will not be like those who suddenly want to change their relationship.
2.- Appearance. Research from the University of Abertay suggests that women prefer mature men when they become more financially independent because they have greater confidence in choosing a partner.
3.- Intelligence. For some women, mature men have a greater cultural heritage and can establish any type of conversation.
4.- They are professionals. They regularly do what they like and are well placed in a company, so women feel more secure.
5.- They have better manners. The attentions of a mature man often attract young women.
6.- Respect your way of being. Over the years, mature men realize that people do not change, they simply do their part to establish a better relationship as a couple, and women like that a lot.
7.- Sexual experience. The experience in intimacy is a very big point in their favor, because women feel more sexually satisfied.
8.- Financial support. While boys your age or boys younger than you still do not have a stable job or worse, they do not notice even the slightest desire to see how they earn a living, older men already have work experience and a job that, While it may not be the best, they will be struggling to grow in the company and be indispensable.
Read also: 3 reasons why many women prefer to be with younger men, according to a study