How many people do you know who get enough high-quality, uninterrupted sleep at night? Probably not a lot. Sleep is one of those things that is crucially important to our health, yet most of us struggle with it. There are many factors that affect your sleep, so we spoke with Terry Cralle, RN, a representative for the Better Sleep Council, to identify some common habits that are likely hindering your ability to get a good night’s sleep.
Using electronic devices close to bedtime

Electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops emit blue light that can disrupt the body’s natural sleep cycle. It is better to avoid the use of electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed.
Cralle recommends finding something else to do in bed, like reading, knitting, or doing crossword puzzles. If you have to check on your phone, be sure to turn on the night mode feature to reduce your exposure to blue light.
drink alcohol at night

Although alcohol can make you feel drowsy initially, it also disrupts your sleep cycle and causes you to wake up frequently during the night if you drink it at night.
Some people can tolerate an occasional glass of wine with dinner, but you’ll sleep better if you skip the alcohol and stick to water.
not staying hydrated

Many people are afraid to drink too much water before bed for fear of waking up during the night to go to the bathroom. But did you know that not drinking enough water can also negatively affect your sleep?
While limited research is available, a 2019 study found that people who slept less than six hours each night were more likely to be dehydrated than those who slept more than eight hours each night. Dehydration has many negative side effects, so it makes sense that staying hydrated would help you feel more comfortable overall, even while you sleep.
Not having a relaxation routine

Most people can’t jump into bed and expect to fall asleep in five minutes. Your body needs some time to wind down after the day and recognize that it will soon be time for bed.
Children need routines to relax, and so do adults, Cralle said. Try listening to soft music, reading, or doing other quiet activities at least 20 minutes before you officially start getting ready for bed.
be inactive

Research has shown that being moderately active can help you sleep more soundly each night.
“Even a 10-minute walk during the day can help improve sleep quality at night,” Cralle said.
However, you should avoid exercising at night, as this signals your body that it is time to wake up and can make it difficult to sleep. See if you can be physically active during other parts of the day. Having said all that, it is better to exercise at night than to do nothing.
Hitting the snooze button

It’s very tempting to hit the snooze button once or twice (or five times) in the morning, but this habit isn’t doing you any good.
“This is a terrible habit that keeps you up at night!” Cralle said. “You’ll sleep more and feel better when you wake up if you stop doing this.”
It is best to set the alarm at the time you need to wake up and get up immediately. If you don’t have enough self-control in the morning, try putting your phone or alarm clock out of reach so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.
Drink caffeine late in the day

Caffeine is a stimulant that can keep you awake and disrupt your sleep. It is best to avoid caffeine consumption in the afternoon and evening.
Cralle recommends avoiding coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages after lunch. If you need an energy boost, try having a snack, drinking some water, or going for a walk.
Not creating a good sleeping environment

Your “sleep environment” refers to everything in your sleeping space, including your mattress, pillows, lamps, and other aspects of your bedroom. Make sure your bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet every night.
You should sleep on a high-quality mattress that makes you feel fresh and awake in the morning. If you wake up with aches and pains, it’s probably time to invest in a new one.
Although tiredness is sometimes worn as a badge of honor, Cralle believes that getting enough sleep should be a priority.
“Needing and sleeping is not a weakness, a character flaw or a lack of work ethic or ambition, it is a biological requirement that we need for optimal health and functioning,” Cralle said. “We need to prioritize sleep, schedule enough sleep every day, and make no apologies for our need for sleep.”
Getting enough sleep is essential for your health and well-being. By getting rid of these eight sleep-disrupting habits, you can improve the quality of your sleep and feel refreshed and energized each day.