How to add and assign roles on Discord



To help you manage your servers, Discord allows you to create custom roles and assign them to your server members. In this way, members can moderate the content on your server and help facilitate your schedule. We will show you how to do it.

To create a role, you must be the owner or administrator of the server. If you are a regular user of the server, you cannot create or assign roles.

RELATED: How to create, configure and manage your Discord server

Create and assign roles in Discord on desktop

On your desktop, use the Discord desktop app or Discord for web to create and assign user roles.

To get started, launch Discord on your machine. In the left sidebar of Discord, select the server you want to create roles on.

Choose the server.

At the top, next to your server name, click the down arrow icon and choose “Server Settings”.


In the left sidebar, select “Features”.

In the right pane, click “Create Role”.


In the right pane, you will see the “Edit Role – New Role” section. Here, click on the “Function Name” field and type a name for the function you are creating. This name can be anything of your choosing, but keep it descriptive so you can recognize it later.

Then click on the “Role Color” option and assign a specific color to identify your role.

Assign a name and color to the role.

At the top, select the “Permissions” tab to see the permissions you can assign to your new role. Enable the option for the permission you want your new role to have.

Scroll down to see more permissions. Later, you can revoke the permissions if necessary.

Assign permissions to the role.

At the top, select the “Manage Members” tab. Then click “Add Members” to assign your newly created role to your server members.


In the “Add Members” box, in the “Members” section, select the user(s) you want to assign your newly created role to. Then, at the bottom, click “Add”.

Select a member and choose

Back in the “Manage Members” tab, you will see the selected user with their new role assigned. To save your settings, at the bottom of your current tab, click “Save Changes.”

Advice: In the future, to unassign a role, select “X” next to a member in the “Manage Members” tab. The user will no longer have the privileges offered by her role.


Your role is now created and assigned to your selected user, and you’re all set.

Create and assign roles in Discord on mobile devices

On your mobile device, use the Discord app to create and assign user roles on your server.

Start by launching Discord on your phone. In the top left corner of the app, tap on the three horizontal lines.

Select the three horizontal lines.

In the left sidebar, tap on the server you want to add a role to. Then, next to the server name at the top, tap on the three dots.

Tap on the three dots next to the server name.

In the server menu, select “Settings”.


Scroll down the “Server Settings” page to the bottom. There, tap “Features.”


In the bottom right corner of the “Features” page, tap the “+” (plus) sign.

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Tap on the newly created role and you will see a “Role Settings” page. Here, tap on the “Feature Name” field and give your new feature a name. Then tap on the “Role Color” option and choose a color to identify your role.

Choose a name and color for the role.

Scroll down the page to see various permissions you can assign to your new role. To enable a permission, next to the permission, tap the checkbox.

Save your changes by tapping the floppy disk icon in the bottom right corner. Then go back to the previous screen by tapping the back arrow icon in the top left corner.

Tap the back arrow icon again in the top left corner to access the “Server Settings” page. Then, from the “User Management” section, select “Members”.


On the “Members” page, find and tap the user you want to assign your new role to.

Select a user.

In the “Features” section, next to your new role, select the check box.

Assign the role to the user.

Your role has now been assigned to your selected user, and you are done.

And that’s how you allow people to do more than just read and write content on your Discord servers. Happy managing your Discord communities!

While you’re at it, did you know that you can make someone an admin on your Discord server? This gives the user super privileges on your server.

RELATED: How to make someone an admin on Discord
