How to clear the cache in Microsoft Edge



Whether you want to troubleshoot specific website issues or resolve other issues with your browser, it’s easy to clear Microsoft Edge’s cache on your desktop and mobile devices. You can also have the browser automatically delete its cache on every exit. We’ll show you how.

In addition to clearing the cache, you can also delete other browsing data such as site history and cookies. We will cover how to do this in the guide below.

RELATED: How to clear edge browsing data with a keyboard shortcut

Clear Microsoft Edge cache on desktop

If you’re on a desktop, start by launching Edge on your machine. When Edge opens, in the top right corner, click the three dots and choose “Settings”.

Select "Setting" on the menu.

Under “Settings” on the left sidebar, select “Privacy, search, and services.”

choose "Privacy, search and services".

In the right pane, in the “Clear browsing data” section, click “Choose what to clear.”

Select "Choose what to delete".

A “Clear browsing data” box will open. Here, you will see a list of items that you can remove from your browser.

First, click the “Time range” dropdown menu and choose the time period for which you want to clear the cache. Then enable the “Cached images and files” option. Feel free to check other options as well if you want to clear them.

Finally, at the bottom of the box, click “Erase Now”.

Without prompts, Edge will clear your cache and any other selected items.

If you want Edge to automatically delete your cache each time you close your browser, on the “Privacy, search, and services” page, select “Choose what to clear each time you close your browser.”

On the page that opens, enable the items you want Edge to remove.

Select items to delete automatically.

And this is how you get rid of the Edge cache to fix problems and speed up the browser a bit.

Clear Microsoft Edge cache on mobile devices

To clear cache on mobile, first, launch Edge on your phone. Then, in the bottom bar of Edge, tap on the three dots and choose “Settings”.

touch "Setting".

Under “Settings”, select “Privacy and security”.

touch "Privacy & Security".

Under “Privacy and security,” choose “Clear browsing data.”

Choose "Clear browsing data".

On the “Clear Browsing Data” page, tap the “Time Range” dropdown menu and select the time period you want to clear the cache for. Then turn on the “Cached images and files” option. Feel free to select any other item on the list to remove it.

When you are done, tap on the “Clear data” option.

Choose the items to delete and touch "Delete data".

Edge will clear the cache and any other selected items.

To have Edge automatically delete your browsing data when you exit the browser, then on the “Clear browsing data” screen, turn on the “Clear browsing data on exit” option.

Enable "Clear browsing data on exit".

That’s all about it.

Enjoy a cache-free experience with Microsoft Edge on your devices!

On a related note, consider clearing the cache in Chrome, Firefox, Windows 10, and even Windows 11 as well. Check out our guides to learn how to do it.

RELATED: How to clear your cache in Windows 11
