Disable the “WhatsApp Web is currently active” notification.



For about 30 minutes WhatsApp Web remains connected to the server after closing the tab and once you reopen the web, you will be able to access WhatsApp if your phone has an active internet connection. This warning can also be displayed when someone is spying on WhatsApp through the web.

It’s a great way to reply to important messages right from the system you’re working on.

If you see this warning suddenly and it is not you who opened WhatsApp on PC, then someone else is viewing your WhatsApp.

The first thing you should do is go to the WhatsApp web option from the settings and touch the “Sign out of all devices” option.


While it is a great feature to use, you can often feel irritated by the notification that always appears on your phone screen.

The purpose of not disabling the notification is related to security and privacy issues.

WhatsApp Web is currently active – Media

Notification – WhatsApp Web is currently activeit’s a blocked notification that doesn’t go away very easily.

No matter how many times you swipe that notification, it just doesn’t go away!

There is a way to get rid of these issues easily by following some steps to log out those unknown logins via WhatsApp web.

You can follow the steps to fix this notification if it appears on your phone:

Infographic_Disable WhatsApp Web is currently active

1. Disable WhatsApp web active notification on Android:

If you are an Android smartphone user, to disable active WhatsApp web notification,

Step 1: First, you have to go to the ‘Settings‘from your smartphone.


Step 2: After going through the settings, choose the Application Management option in the settings.

Step 3: In the app management option, you will have a list of apps to choose from. These applications are the ones found on your smartphone. Choose WhatsApp from the list.


Step 4: After choosing WhatsApp, tap on the notification settings option.

Step 5: Tap on Disable notifications in the notification settings option.


In this way, you can simply hide WhatsApp web access alerts by sliding the notification button to the left or you can enable “Block all” option to hide all notifications from the app.

2. Disable WhatsApp web active notification for iPhone:

If you are an iPhone user, to disable active notification on WhatsApp web:

Step 1: To go ‘Settings‘from your phone.

Step 2: From the main menu, choose the ‘Notifications‘option.


Step 3: From the apps listed below, choose WhatsApp.


Step 4: You can then turn off the Allow notifications option. In this way, you can turn off web access notification whenever you use WhatsApp web.


Once you have signed out of the WhatsApp web client, you can simply follow the same steps and turn on the Allow notifications option.

Hide “WhatsApp Web is currently active”after logout

Even when you log out of WhatsApp web, sometimes that notification doesn’t go away. It still stays on the lock screen and no matter how many times you swipe it doesn’t even move.

On Android versions of a smartphone, the notification still appears on the screen and therefore it will take some time to disappear. However, you can still try this method to disable the notification:

Step 1: Go to your phone settings.

Step 2: Then go to Wi-Fi option.

wifi option

Step 3: Disable Wi-Fi and data

disable Wi-Fi

Step 4: Wait a few moments, then turn on Wi-Fi or data.

Or you can just disable WhatsApp app from Application Management section and then re-enable it, the notification will disappear instantly without losing any data.

The bottom lines:

This article has explained many methods that you can apply to make sure the notification goes away. It will not appear until you log in to WhatsApp web again.

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