How to See Someone’s Activity on Instagram



Your quick response:

  1. To see someone’s activity on Instagram, you need to be a follower of the person, so you can see the last things posted on their profile and when they were last active on Instagram from the Instagram Direct Messages section.
  2. There are plenty of alternative ways to view someone’s activity, such as reviewing recent posts and stories, or checking who you’ve recently been following.
  3. To see someone’s activity on Instagram, you can simply check their public profile and view their posts in your account.
  4. This will be the easy way to find someone’s account without being a friend or follower.

All of these ways are a bit exhausting and time consuming, but they are interesting. After all, to win something we have to lose something, like this.

In this article you will be able to see someone’s activity on Instagram without violating their privacy.

Initially, there was a tab called “Activities” on Instagram to search for the activities, the people you want. Activities such as: what that person must like, who they have recently started following and many more.

How to see someone’s activity on Instagram:

Yes, you can see another person’s activity in several ways:

1. Following that person:

From DM: Go to the Direct Message tab and you can see if the person is online or when they were last active on Instagram.

You can view the online/offline activity of a particular person only after you enable their activity status. To enable your business status Go to Settings > Privacy > Activity Status > Enable Activity Status.

🔯 What Instagram shows you:

If you are a follower of a private account, you can see everything they post, including photos or videos on their profile, and in the case of a public profile, you can do the same without being a friend or follower of the person.

The most amazing tab is the “Exploration Tab”. In this tab, you can see everything that is small compared to the basics of your interest, whether it is fashion rollers, upcoming movies or series, fashion clothing or makeup style or any other.

You may:

  • Mention or tag your friend or anyone in your stories, posts, or memes.
  • Write comments below the post and stories.
  • See and like what your friends and favorite person have uploaded.
  • Share the post directly to your story.
  • Enjoy a song that your favorite celebrity recorded.
  • Click on the images with different filters.
  • Create a video or a Boomerang.
  • Broadcast live and upload your story.
  • Also, share the story/status only with the selected “Close Friends” only.

Video on how to see someone’s activity on Instagram:

2. How to see someone’s activity without being friends:

Looking at someone’s profile basically means spying on them, following their recent posts, and looking at their stories. Also, to see their activity, you can go to the mentioned section in that person’s profile to find out who mentioned you on what occasion and events.

To follow someone you only have to do 3-4 touches, which is, go to the Browse page > tap the search bar > type the name (name of the person you want to search for), all accounts with that name will open below it > tap the destination account > touch often.

There are two types of profiles on Instagram: PRIVATE PUBLIC.

🏷 Private profile:

People keep their Instagram profiles private. To view private profile activity you must first send them a “follow requestIf they accept your follow request, you will be able to view the person’s activity in the same way.

follow instagram request

🏷 Public profile:

Mostly celebrities, influencers and brands keep their Instagram profiles public. To see the activity of these people, you do not need to send any follow request, you can go directly to the search bar and find the person and then you can see their activities on Instagram, for example, videos or images they have posted. your Instagram profile.

3. Check the list of followers and followers of the person

There are two ways to check someone’s follower and follower list:

  • You can check someone’s followers and follower list by going to that person’s Instagram profile (in the app) and in the followers and followers section you can check. In the followers section you can see the people who follow them and in the next section you can see the people they follow. But the problem here is that you will have to scroll down all the lists to see the recent addition and reduction in the list of followers and followers {the solution to this process is a point below}.
  • You can also check someone’s followers and follower list by logging into Instagram on web browsers. Please log in to a web browser to fix the above scrolling and verification issue which takes a long time. The process is the same as the previous one but the only advantage of the web is that at the top of the list itself you will see the recent addition and a reduction in followers and followers of the profile.
followers and followers on instagram

4. Check if it is online or if it was last active

With a recent update, you can see the person’s online status and last active status on their Instagram.

By going to the direct messages tab, you can see if the person is online or when they were last active on Instagram.

Online is indicated by a bold green dot below the profile picture, similarly the last active time is displayed below the name in the direct message section.

Last Active DM Section

But you can only see the online/offline status of a certain person when you have it enabled your activity status.

To enable your business status Go to Settings > Privacy > Activity Status > turn on activity status.

The bottom lines:

This article explains the ways you can follow to check someone’s Instagram activity. For both private and public profiles, you can use the different methods mentioned above to check recent activity.

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