6 bodyweight exercises you can do with a towel



Karla Tafra

If you’re tired of your usual exercise routine, grab a towel and challenge yourself with some racy moves. A towel acts as extra resistance when you push hard to keep it on the ground during exercises. And don’t let that fool you, a towel will really increase the intensity of your workout.

It does the same thing as the sit-up sliders, but in case you don’t have some on hand, a towel will do the trick. Also, you can clean your floors a bit.

back lunge

Start standing with your feet hip-width apart. Step onto the towel with your right leg and slide the towel back into a lunge, bending both knees. Exhale and slide the towel back to the starting position by squeezing your hamstrings and inner thighs. Repeat 12-15 times and do the same on the other side.

Keep your core engaged and your back straight throughout the exercise. Make sure your front knee doesn’t bend and keep it straight in front of you. Do not forget to breathe.

side lounge

Start standing with your feet hip-width apart. She steps on the towel with her right leg and looks to the right side. Inhale and slide the towel to the right, bending your left knee and sitting into your side lunge. Exhale and slide the towel toward the center, using the strength of your inner thighs. Inhale and slide out, exhale and slide in.

Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise and don’t compromise your form. Repeat 12-15 times on each leg.

round leg sweeps

Start standing with your feet hip-width apart. She steps on the towel with her right leg and places her hands on her hips. Activate your core muscles and lift your belly button. Open your chest, lift your chin and relax your shoulders. Inhale and slide the towel directly in front of you, moving your leg to the right and back in a semicircle. Exhale and round it to the front.

Keep your thighs contracted the entire time and make sure your left leg is strong and stable. You can choose to keep your left leg straight and really work your inner thighs or bend it slightly and feel the exercise in your left glute as well.

Do 10 rounds before switching to the other leg.

abdominal roller

This ab roller features an extra-wide design for added stability and is made of a soft material that’s suitable for all types of floors, including hardwood and carpet.

knee folds

Start in a plank pose, with your legs extended and core engaged. Keep your hips in the same line and try to avoid raising or lowering them. Step on the towel and begin to bring it towards your abdomen, bending your knees and tucking them in.

Keep your core engaged and use the power of your abs to slide the towel without lifting your hips too high. Do 15 to 20 knee bends and relax. Repeat two more times if you are willing to do so.

Ab Sliders

The unique hexagonal design provides a better surface and grip.

Runner’s lunge sweep

Start in a plank pose, with your legs extended and your hips aligned. Push the floor away from you and feel the space between your shoulder blades expand. Step onto the towel with your right leg, and as you inhale, slide the towel toward your right shoulder, forming a slightly wider runner’s lunge on the outside of your right hand. Exhale and slide the towel back into plank position.

Repeat 12-15 times and then do the same on the left leg. This is a great exercise to increase your range of motion and improve the mobility of your hips, so focus on bringing your foot as close to your hands as possible.

hamstring curls

Start in a lying position, feet on the towel and knees bent. Raise your hips and slowly slide your feet down so your legs are almost fully extended. Inhale and slide the towel toward your sit bones, trying to keep your hips up. Exhale and extend, inhale and tuck the towel back in.

This is one of the most challenging exercises you can do with a towel, so don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t really work at first. Aim for 10 reps, but if you can muster five, that’s great to start with.

If this seems really impossible for you, leave your hips on the ground and simply work to bring the towel as close to your hamstrings as possible by contracting your hamstrings.

Sometimes the best workouts happen when you get creative. Try these exercises the next time you get bored with your workouts and if you have a phone with you, check out some of these amazing fitness apps.
