Is there a right time to shower? –LifeSavvy



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For most people, shower time is binary. Either you do it in the morning or at night. But is one better than the other?

When it comes to the right time to shower, there’s really no one right answer. That’s not to say there aren’t things to consider when it comes to shower time that could help streamline your day or night.

When it comes to showering in the morning, there are great benefits to those who choose to shower first thing in the morning. The most obvious is that it’s great for waking you up quickly. In particular, taking a cold shower in the morning can help snap you out of that morning blues. Some studies have even found that morning showers make you more productive throughout the day.

As for nighttime showers, it’s all about how it helps you sleep. Studies have shown that taking a hot shower (or bath) an hour or two before bedtime helps cool down your body temperature and signals that it’s time to sleep.

If (like me) you feel like you’re going to get dirty, nighttime showers are also ideal as they remove all the oil and dead skin that has accumulated throughout the day. For those sensitive to pollen, you’ll also be able to remove allergens and not transfer them to your bed.

So is there a right time to shower? No, not as a general answer. However, for your needs, there could be. Think about whether you need a morning jolt or a nighttime sleep aid and make your decision from there.
