How to tag everyone in a Facebook group



Justin Duino / Instruction Geek

Type “@everyone” to tag everyone in your Facebook group, as long as the feature is available to you and you’re an admin. You can use the feature once a day per group, though you should use it sparingly to avoid disturbing group members.

Facebook now includes a powerful feature for group admins to tag all members at once with a single tag. Although useful, the feature should be used sparingly. You can also disable this tag in your personal account if you find it annoying.

Tag everyone in a Facebook group with a hashtag

You can mention all members of a Facebook group you manage using the @everyone tag. Just start a new update and then start typing @everyone and select the tag from the autocomplete menu that appears. If you don’t see the @everyone tag appear when you start typing, you can’t use it.

The @everyone tag works in other places too, like in comments on posts and as a tag on photos that are posted to your group. This works with the Facebook mobile apps and on the Facebook website. You can use the @everyone tag once a day, per group.

Using the @everyone tag on Facebook

You can place the @everyone tag anywhere in your message and achieve the same result. When you hit send on your post, comment, or photo upload, group members will receive a notification. This will appear in the Facebook notification feed and will also appear as a push notification on mobile devices if members have notifications enabled.

Why can’t I tag everyone in a Facebook group?

Facebook started rolling out the @everyone tag in early 2022, but it looks like it hasn’t reached all groups yet. If you can’t use it in a group where you have admin status, Facebook may not enable it in your particular group yet. There isn’t much you can do about it other than wait.

In testing, we noticed that the feature was present in some groups we managed and absent in others. There was apparently no pattern to this and availability was not affected by the popularity of the group, whether it was public or private, or whether or not it had active members.

Using the @everyone tag in a comment on Facebook

As of this writing, only admins can use the @everyone tag, which means moderators and standard group members won’t be able to participate. These members can still tag other people in the group using standard @ tags.

Use the @everyone tag sparingly

When a group member receives a notification tagged @everyone, it appears as if they were personally tagged. The notification appears as “A group member mentioned you and others in a comment…” or “A group member tagged you and others in a photo…”, which can grab their attention in a automatic notification.

Incoming @everyone tag notification

It’s no secret that using this feature to send frequent spam messages has aroused the ire of Facebook users. That’s why it’s best to use it sparingly to announce major changes or big news. Just because you can use it once a day doesn’t mean you should.

How to disable the Facebook tag @everyone

Have you been on the receiving end of @everyone tag abuse? You can disable the feature in your personal account. Access Facebook settings on mobile by tapping on the hamburger menu button followed by the “Cog” icon. In a web browser, click your profile picture in the top right corner of the page, followed by Settings & Privacy > Settings.

Select “Notifications” or “Notification Settings” depending on what you see, then select the “Labels” submenu. Set “Receive notifications when tagged by” to “Friends of Friends” or just “Friends” and then you can disable the “Batch @everyone mentions” below.

Turn off notifications from @everyone on Facebook

Alternatively, you can leave the feature on and just leave any of your Facebook groups that are abusing the feature.

Want more tips for Facebook groups? Learn how to post anonymously in a group, how to take control of group notifications, and how to create your own Facebook group.
