Coca-Cola is the answer to oil stains in your garage



Jessica Dale/

While garages aren’t necessarily known for being “clean,” no one wants to see their garage floor covered in grease and oil stains. But, if you’ve been searching for how to get rid of oil stains and have come up short, you’re not alone.

Here’s a trick you may not have heard of before: cleaning oil stains from your garage with a can of Coca-Cola.

Yes, you can purposely “spill” and clean stains off the floor in one go. But how exactly does it work? What’s the secret ingredient in your favorite fizzy drink that does double duty as an effective cleanser?

It’s the phosphoric acid in Coca-Cola that’s doing the dirty work. Pour a can of room temperature Coke over the toughest oil stains and the phosphoric acid will literally eat away at the surface of the concrete and remove the oil. You can move it around by using a bristle brush on the stain after pouring the Coke over it and letting it soak overnight.

The next day, simply blot the area with a clean cloth and the pesky oil stains are gone.

If you’re drinking a can of Coke (or Diet Coke!) and start to worry about what the phosphoric acid itself might be doing to your youDon’t be afraid to take another sip. Phosphoric acid is made from phosphorous, which is a naturally occurring mineral found in many foods. Coca-Cola only adds a small amount to its drinks, so you don’t have to worry about ill effects when you open a can or bottle.

Garage cleaning doesn’t have to be a big chore. In fact, it can be quite “sweet” when you use this trick. Try Coca-Cola on your toughest oil stains and you might end up stocking up your fridge more often.
