7 HVAC Tips For Pet Owners

7 HVAC Tips For Pet Owners
Photo by Zen Chung on Pexels.com

From making you happy to keeping you energized, owning a pet definitely offers a number of amazing benefits. Often than not, these furry friends love to play around, making them a major source of clutter in the household. Even so, these four-legged beings still manage to make their way into the hearts of their owners. And if you’re a fur parent who needs the constant comfort of an AC, here are some relevant tips to aid with your everyday life.

1.  Clean the air filters regularly.

Because of their playfulness and curiosity, pets often take home various outdoor pollutants. On top of that, hairy pets can be a primary cause of dirty air filters. Thus, it’s highly suggested to clean the air filters as often as you can to keep the indoor air quality at a maximum level. If you need to replace the air filter, you may request assistance from the experts. This site can help you out with your needs and other AC repairs. 

Another thing to consider when changing air filters is the seasonal shedding of your pet. If your pet sheds significantly during spring, make sure to clean or replace filters frequently. If you are unsure of the shedding pace of your pet, you can monitor it through the number of brushes you do overtime.

2.  Brush your pet more frequently.

Did you know that brushing your pet on a regular basis is one of the finest methods to keep your AC in good working order? Aside from being a fun activity to do with your pets, this is a simple way to manage hair and protect it from getting into the air filters.  When brushing their hair, the strands drop to the ground so you can clean them up with no trouble.

So, when your pet shakes its body, there would be less tendency for loose fur to get stuck on your AC. It’s also suggested to brush their hair outdoors instead of indoors so the airborne strands will not be part of your AC system. If you brush them inside, try to set them on the floor so you can conveniently clean the mess afterward. To keep excess hair under control, you can also use a de-shedding tool.

3.  Choose a better air filter quality.

Improving the air quality indoors may be a challenge, especially when these adorable beings frequently shed flecks of skin and hair. Pet dander often occurs when pets undergo bodily changes to keep up with the seasonal changes. Unfortunately, this is one of the primary allergens that could be very risky for those with respiratory diseases.

To manage this problem, there should be preventive measures done in advance to limit pet allergies. A beneficial way is to pick air filters with higher quality. Generally, air filters are outlined by the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) ratings. This measures the filter efficiency, which means the higher the MERV rating, the better the filtration process.

Most homes used filters with at least 5 to 8 MERV. However, if you want to improve air quality and reduce allergies, you may opt for those with 10 to 12 MERV ratings. Higher air filter quality effectively obstructs smaller particles like pet dander, pollens, and dust, preventing them from entering the HVAC unit and your home.

4.  Keep the carpets clean.

Carpets are often the absorber of dust, dirt, and other filthy particles. Despite all of these, it’s still one of the favorite spots of your pets to roll around. Unfortunately, cleaning the carpet can be very tiring. It’s a dreaded chore by many because it needs extended patience and hard work. However, it’s something that should be done to maintain your AC, especially when you have furry friends wandering all over your home.

A vacuum cleaner is the best tool to assist you. This is a great device to pick up surface dirt as well as loose debris that sits on carpet fibers. Be sure to vacuum thoroughly before you clean the carpet with a steam cleaner. If you don’t have a vacuum, you may use a bristle broom to remove the dirt. For thicker carpets, patience is a must because a lot of dust and waste particles are trapped between the fibers.

5.  Check for exposed wires.

Pets love to chew toys. And if your AC comes with exposed wires, this can be very dangerous for everyone around. Therefore, you have to be careful and ensure all electrical wirings are secured. You may use an electric conduit to protect the wirings from possible damage.

Or you may put a barrier near the air conditioning unit to discourage pets from playing around the area. This is highly advised, especially for pets who are teething, as they would eat almost everything within their reach.

6.  Create a boundary near the outdoor AC.

Pets love running around the backyard and doing all sorts of activities, from playing with dirt to peeing all over the area. While it appears not relevant to protect your outdoor unit, this could be a favorite location for your pet to mess around. The condenser, for one, is a significant component that pulls outdoor air to complete the cooling cycle.

And if your furry friends try to rub their bodies on the unit, they are bringing dirt and other particles into the home. Therefore, it’s best that you keep them away from the surrounding section of the outdoor AC. Build a small fence around the area to maintain the quality of air that passes through the system. This also helps in preventing possible problems in your unit like damaged condenser or bitten exterior parts.

7.  Service your AC twice a year. 

A regular tune-up is not just about the maintenance of your AC. It helps reduce allergy attacks due to polluted indoor air. It improves the air quality in your home and contributes to the lifespan of your AC.

Servicing your AC is best done at least twice a year. This way, HVAC professionals can extensively inspect your unit and provide necessary maintenance services, from cleaning all major parts to replacing old and damaged ones. Tune-ups are also relevant to identify possible AC issues that may arise in the long run.