Working from home? Increase your productivity with Setapp for Mac [SPONSORED]




Working from home has become very popular in recent years, but it has also presented us with challenges that we had not considered. Pets, projects at home, random distractions on the internet all serve to deter focus and hamper productivity. Can a suite of work-focused apps help you get back on track? We’ll talk about how to stay productive while working from home with Setapp, a popular subscription service with over 200 amazing apps for Mac.

Tip #1 – Focus on one app at a time

HazeOver app shown on Setapp

Even if you have multiple applications open on your Mac, you can only work on one thing at a time. Having other apps circling your screen can distract you or cause you to lose track of your thoughts. That’s why HazeOver may be one of the best productivity apps you can download right now, and you can try it for free when you sign up for a seven-day trial of Setapp for Mac.

HazeOver is a screen dimming app that lets you customize the brightness of background apps running on your Mac’s desktop. Since it only applies to apps you’re not actively using, you can focus on one app or window at once.

HazeOver is also highly customizable. You can modify the level of dimming that occurs for specific applications. Choose to go completely dark, or just turn down the brightness a bit so you don’t totally block out everything else. You can even use HazeOver in full screen mode with multi-monitor support, allowing you to set up individual workspaces for maximum productivity.

Tip #2 – Use quick reminders and countdown timers

Two application interfaces

Working from home can interfere with a healthy work-life balance, making it difficult to stay focused during business hours. To keep track of everything that needs to be done throughout the day, download Due via Setapp now!

Due for Mac is a powerful and simple reminder app that easily rivals the competition. Unlike other to-do or reminder apps, Due lets you add tasks using natural language. Just start writing your reminder as a note. Due will then examine your text and create a reminder based on what you have written.

Not only can Due help you keep track of upcoming tasks, but it’s also great for keeping track of overdue items. Stay up to date on recurring tasks with daily and weekly reminders. There’s even a countdown timer so you can spend a certain amount of time on each task before moving on to the next. Finally, Due allows you to reschedule items right from the notification center.

Overall, Due is a solid and reliable app for task-oriented to-do lists, reminders, and setting timers. It can help you get more done in the time you have available and keep you on track to perform at your best.

Tip #3: Track and analyze your homework progress

Be Focused app interface

While it’s important to set timers and stay focused on the tasks at hand, understanding how your actions reflect performance is just as critical. Be Focused is a great app for Mac that not only lets you set timers for things on your to-do list, but also tracks your performance and lets you see how much time you spent focusing on tasks in a week, a month, or more. . You have the ability to view your progress in the app or export your stats to a CSV file, a boon for freelancers and hourly workers who need to show proof of their billable hours.

As for salaried employees, it can be beneficial to track progress to see how much time is actually being spent on tasks and projects. Be Focused even lets you schedule breaks so you can recharge for the next round of goals.

You can do all this and more when you download Setapp for Mac, the largest suite of productivity apps your Mac has probably ever seen.

Get more done with Setapp

Productivity is all about focus. When you can focus on what you’re doing and fully live in the moment, you can accomplish great things. Be Focused, Due, and HazeOver are three great apps that will help you do just that. Use them all or choose your favorites – there is no predefined way of doing things.

All three apps listed here today are available for free during a seven-day free trial of Setapp. With Setapp, you’ll have unlimited access to over 200 amazing native Mac apps. Best of all, the entire Setapp catalog is free to use during your one-week trial!

When your trial ends, Setapp is just $9.99 per month for unlimited access to the entire Setapp suite, which is always expanding. It’s unlikely you’ll find a better deal that packs so many apps into one service, so don’t wait – try Setapp now!
