Green Pepper Cultivation
Our country is among the top countries in the world in terms of pepper cultivation area and production amount. Green Pepper cultivation area covers approximately 15% of the total greenhouse vegetable growing. Greenhouse green pepper cultivation also ensures the producers to earn a good income.
In greenhouse cultivation, green pepper seedlings are usually ready for planting in the greenhouse when the first flower buds appear, 8-12 weeks after sowing. The pits to be planted are prepared with 80 × 30 cm intervals for single-row plantings and 90x60x30 cm for double-row plantings. The number of seedlings required per decare is over 4000 when planted at these intervals. Planting density; It determines the season, variety, pruning and cultivation style.
Green Pepper Greenhouse Cultivation
While planting, the seedlings are removed with the mortar and placed in the planting pit.
The top 1/3 of the pot or bag soil is required to remain above the greenhouse soil while planting.
Since pepper roots show a very shallow distribution, hoeing and especially deep hoeing should be avoided as much as possible.
It is preferred that the soil temperature be around 22-24 ° C during planting so that the planted seedling roots can pass into the greenhouse soil more quickly.
Green pepper seadling
After planting the pepper seedlings, a good feeding and irrigation period should be applied to accelerate the development of the seedlings.
The pH of the greenhouse soil suitable for planting should be between 6-6.5.
Planting green pepper
After planting,
a sufficient amount of phosphorus should be present in the soil in order to accelerate root development, and nitrogen to ensure vegetative development.
After planting, High greenhouse temperatures provide the vegetative development required for a good flower formation and fruit set. When the planted plant reaches 40 cm, it is tried to be kept between 22-23 ° C during the day and 18-19 ° C at night by decreasing the temperatures every 3-4 days to ensure vegetative and generative growth balance.
However, the temperature at night can be reduced to 15-17 ° C. Ventilation should be done when the daytime greenhouse temperature reaches 27 ° C. On sunny days, ventilation can be started after 35 ° C.
In pepper greenhouses where temperatures are very low, such as 10-12 ° C, the plant does not die, but the development can stop almost completely.
The relative humidity of the greenhouse air should be kept around 70-75% for greenhouse pepper cultivation. When the planted plant reaches 40 cm, it is tried to be kept between 22-23 ° C during the day and 18-19 ° C at night by decreasing the temperatures every 3-4 days to ensure vegetative and generative growth balance.
However, the temperature at night can be reduced to 15-17 ° C. Ventilation should be done when the daytime greenhouse temperature reaches 27 ° C. On sunny days, ventilation can be started after 35 ° C.
In pepper greenhouses where temperatures are very low, such as 10-12 ° C, the plant does not die, but the development can stop almost completely. The relative humidity of the greenhouse air should be kept around 70-75% for greenhouse pepper cultivation. When the planted plant reaches 40 cm, it is tried to be kept between 22-23 ° C during the day and 18-19 ° C at night by decreasing the temperatures every 3-4 days to ensure vegetative and generative growth balance. However, the temperature at night can be reduced to 15-17 ° C. Ventilation should be done when the daytime greenhouse temperature reaches 27 ° C. On sunny days, ventilation can be started after 35 ° C.

Green Pepper
In pepper greenhouses where temperatures are very low, such as 10-12 ° C, the plant does not die, but the development can stop almost completely. The relative humidity of the greenhouse air should be kept around 70-75% for greenhouse pepper cultivation. It is tried to be kept between 18-19 ° C at night. However, the temperature at night can be reduced to 15-17 ° C. Ventilation should be done when the daytime greenhouse temperature reaches 27 ° C. On sunny days, ventilation can be started after 35 ° C. In pepper greenhouses where temperatures are very low, such as 10-12 ° C, the plant does not die, but the development can stop almost completely. The relative humidity of the greenhouse air should be kept around 70-75% for greenhouse pepper cultivation. It is tried to be kept between 18-19 ° C at night. However, the temperature at night can be reduced to 15-17 ° C. Ventilation should be done when the daytime greenhouse temperature reaches 27 ° C. On sunny days, ventilation can be started after 35 ° C. In pepper greenhouses where temperatures are very low, such as 10-12 ° C, the plant does not die, but the development can stop almost completely. The relative humidity of the greenhouse air should be kept around 70-75% for greenhouse pepper cultivation.
Green Pepper Growing in Pots
For growing pepper in pots, a large pot with an average depth of 40-45 cm should be selected first. It is another factor in the soil as much as the pot size. Using 60% garden soil, 20% peat, and 20% fertilizer mixed soil will give the optimal result. After the soil mixture is taken into the pot for planting, the pepper seeds should be planted at least 3 cm below the soil. If rapid germination is desired, care should be taken to ensure that the soil is warm or even hot during planting. After germination, the body edges should be supported with soil. It is sufficient to water every other day or every 3 days for the first 2 weeks. However, after the weather gets warmer, peppers can be watered every day depending on the condition of the soil. It should be paid attention to watering regularly.
Green Pepper Sowing with Seedling
If the direct seedling is to be planted, the pot is filled with mixed soil and seedling planting is provided. While planting, the seedling should be planted deeply. Planting should be done as most of the trunk will remain in the soil. It is recommended to fix a stick into the ground already, as the plant will sag as it grows longer. Pepper is a water-loving plant. Water the seedlings abundantly in the period from planting to yield. However, when the peppers start to collect, you need to reduce the amount of irrigation. Plants should be watered without touching their leaves or stems. It is a good time to water early in the morning or after 6 pm. Since irrigation will reduce the fertilizer rate, fertilizing should be done periodically.
Properties of Green Pepper Seed
Properties of pepper seed; The seeds are partially similar to tomato seeds. Pepper seeds are wider, oval, yellowish bright in color, and the seed edges are raised and the middle part is flattened. There are 150-180 seeds in a gram of seeds. Thousand-grain weight varies between 5-6 grams.
Seeds show better germination in a dark environment. The optimum germination temperature is 25-30 ° C. A suitable minimum temperature for germination should be above 10 ° C. In some pepper varieties, if germination is made immediately after the seeds are taken, this situation will automatically disappear. Pepper seeds can maintain their germination ability for 2-3 years if suitable conditions are provided. This period is shorter in hot pepper varieties. The percentage of germination in hot peppers decreases rapidly from the first year.

Green Pepper Seed Types
Charleston Peppers:
Charleston peppers constitute a separate group because they are larger, thicker-walled, and fleshy. Its flavors can be bitter or sweet, as well as yellow and green varieties.
Pointed Peppers:
Peppers in this group are long, delicate, generally medium-dark green, thin-walled, usually sweet but can also be found in bitterness, and dark green, thicker-walled, hard-textured, shorter, and long dark green peppers with hot and sweet varieties. takes.
Big Red Peppers:
This group is a group of long red peppers. Especially the hot ones are widely used in the production of red pepper powder and also in pastrami production. The sweeter varieties of this group are mostly used in the production of pepper paste and pickles prepared at home.
Bell Peppers :
This type of pepper; constitute the round big peppers group. They are yellow or green in color. Color, coarseness, and wall thickness vary widely.
Conical Peppers:
These peppers are green or yellow, thick-walled, mostly sweet, sometimes hot, and when they are completely browned, they are used to make pepper paste and red ground pepper.
Planting Pepper Seed
Pepper seed planting is generally recommended in the months of spring, autumn and summer. In pepper seed planting, the quality of the seed and the way of sowing are very important for the efficiency of the harvest. Soaking the seeds in water or a damp cloth 1 day before planting the pepper seeds will increase the seed germination rate.
For the soil where you will plant pepper seeds, 80% peat, and 20% perlite should be mixed and moistened by adding water. The pots or viols that will be used to sow the seeds should be filled with the prepared soil mixture. The planting depth of the pepper seed should be 1-0.5 c cm, the distance between the rows should be 30-40 cm and the distance between rows should be 45-75 cm. After sowing the seeds, it is suitable to irrigate a small amount of water every day with the help of a fissure. If the water is poured directly into the soil, it may cause late germination or no germination by going to the bottom of the seeds.
After planting, the surface of the planting area should be covered with the help of thin transparent nylon. The soil should be kept moist with the help of intermittent fissures. If the germination of pepper seeds will be done in open fields, the soil to be germinated should be cultivated. Pepper seeds should be planted in the prepared soil and finely sifted soil should be covered with 0.5-1 cm. The soil surface should be covered with transparent nylon. The soil should be moistened at regular intervals.
The estimated germination time of seeds is between 12-20 days. When pepper seeds begin to germinate, they should be removed from the transparent nylon and protected from direct sunlight. When the pepper seeds are about 4-5 cm, the seedlings should be transferred to a larger pot, garden, or field.
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