A star-studded BlackBerry movie traces the rise and demise of the phone



Natalia Bostan / Shutterstock.com

The BlackBerry was the first true smartphone. But like the 2015 bestseller lose signal explains, Apple stole BlackBerry’s legacy with the iPhone, a product that BlackBerry leaders called a “toy.” Now, history may correct itself (or turn BlackBerry into an even bigger joke) with a film adaptation of lose signal.

According to Varietya new movie called Blackberry has finished production and will soon enter distribution. The film, directed by Matt Johnson, features an impressive cast including headliners Jay Baruchel (Hiccup from how to train your Dragon) and Glenn Howerton (Dennis de It’s always sunny in Philly).

Presumably, Baruchel and Howerton will play BlackBerry founders Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fregin. They will be joined by Cary Elwes, Rich Sommer, Michael Ironside and other popular actors when the film finally opens.

Details about the movie are pretty scant. The casting suggests that it may be a comedy, although it could be a drama. Either way, I’m not sure how I could portray BlackBerry’s catastrophic failure without comedians, so the casting seems appropriate.

We’re not sure when Blackberry it will either hit theaters or hit streaming services. But in the meantime, you can try reading lose signalthe excellent book that serves as the basis for this film.

Source: Variety
