Austin Peay State University resumes after ransomware cyberattack



Image source: APSU

Austin Peay State University (APSU) confirmed yesterday that it had been the victim of a ransomware attack.

The university, located in Clarksville, Tennessee, advised students, staff and faculty to disconnect their computers and devices from the university network immediately as a precaution.

Subsequent tweets from APSU confirm that the attack is being contained and all employees are expected to report as usual.

‘Ransomeware’, ‘ransomware’, ran somewhere

On Wednesday, April 27, Austin Peay State University (APSU), through its official Twitter account, confirmed that it had been the victim of a cyberattack.

Established in 1927, APSU is an American public university based in Clarksville, Tennessee, whose notable alumni have included reality television fitness coach Bob Harper, former NFL player Bonnie Sloan, and current Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Safety. Public of Kentucky, the Honorable Mary C. Noble.

“We are under Ransomeware [sic] stroke. If your computer is connected to the APSU network, disconnect it IMMEDIATELY, ” tweeted