Ccleaner on Windows is now more useful than ever



CCleaner used to be one of the most popular apps to remove cached and unnecessary files on PCs. Although it’s not that popular these days, it just got a useful update.

CCleaner announced this week that the utility can now correctly detect files from apps installed through the Microsoft Store. The company said in a blog post: “CCleaner remains a dominant, forward-thinking cleaner, which is why we’re officially including cleaning modern apps from the Microsoft Store. This is in addition to now over 500 cleanup definitions for regular programs, browsers, games, and Windows features.”

As of CCleaner v6.02, the app can now remove cache and leftover files from Microsoft Store versions of Firefox, VLC Media Player, Discord, Netflix, iCloud, Disney+, Telegram Desktop, and other popular apps. Most of those apps have built-in menus to flush the cache and automatically delete the unneeded over time, but CCleaner presents itself as a one-click solution for whatever software you have on your PC.

The company specifically pointed out that Discord quickly fills up drives, saying that it “stores a large number of cache files in various folders, including GPU caches, icons, and other data.” Again, you can delete that data manually, but CCleaner can handle it with fewer clicks.

CCleaner is available for download from the official website – the app has a paid version, but apparently it’s not required for the ‘Custom Clean’ feature that scans Microsoft Store apps. Windows’ own Disk Cleanup tool can also clear some cached data on your PC.

Source: CCleaner
