Do eggs really raise cholesterol? –LifeSavvy



Dragana Gordic/

Maybe you’re avoiding eggs right now because of the price, or maybe you’re avoiding them because you’ve heard they’ll raise your cholesterol. Well, it’s true that eggs are expensive right now, but the cholesterol thing might not be as true as you thought.

Do eggs raise cholesterol? They can, but there are a few things to know about your own risk factors before you give up food.

Most people can safely consume eggs in moderation without the added risk of high cholesterol. The key, however, is that one word: moderation. Generally, the recommendations are no more than one egg per day, or seven eggs per week if you are already on a low cholesterol diet. However, if you already have high cholesterol or are at increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, heart attack, or stroke, you may want to consider just egg whites.

Note: This article is not intended to be medical advice; Before changing your diet, it is best to consult your doctor.

Why only egg whites? Well, here’s the good news if you’re at increased risk for cardiovascular problems, stroke, or diabetes. The cholesterol in an egg is concentrated in the yolk with high levels of LDL cholesterol (which is the bad kind). Egg whites eliminate the risk of consuming extra cholesterol.

The other thing to consider is that eggs actually contain several healthy nutrients. There is hill that is excellent for your brain; lutein and zeaxanthin which are good for the eyes; and there is little saturated fat.

The biggest problem for many is not an egg. It’s what they eat with the eggs. Bacon, sausage, and butter are common breakfast items served with eggs, and they are much more likely to raise cholesterol.

As with other foods, the key to eating eggs healthily is to limit your intake to just a few per week if you don’t have existing health conditions and aren’t at elevated risk for them. But if you do and you don’t want to forget them, grab an egg separator and stick with just the egg whites.
