Do hangover drinks work? –LifeSavvy



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We’ve all heard of (and tried) different hangover drinks that people swear will get rid of headaches after a night of binge eating. From water to Gatorade, there are plenty of recommendations. But now, you can actually buy hangover drinks, so do they work?

Unfortunately, probably not. Most hangover cures will not be an instant fix to make you feel better. Instead, focus on preventing a hangover in the first place.

Most hangover drinks contain vitamins and electrolytes along with other ingredients that are commonly cited as “cures.” While these ingredients can help you rehydrate while you’re hungover and might lessen the severity of a hangover, there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that they can prevent them entirely; only moderation can do it.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to help yourself if you plan to drink. Dietitian Jennifer Maeng spoke to CNET and explained that “double fisting” is a good rule of thumb. For every glass of alcohol, follow with a glass of water. Be sure to keep drinking water throughout the night.

When it comes to food, skip the greasy stuff (no matter how much you want it). Snacks high in protein and healthy fats, such as nuts, are a good choice to eat before you go out and at night, according to Maeng. And he never drinks on an empty stomach.

If you end up hungover, don’t immediately reach for the Gatorade. While it won’t hurt, there are better things you can do to get back on track. Maeng said he should focus on regaining some of the nutrients he lost by taking a B complex with vitamin C and staying away from diuretics that can worsen dehydration.

So are there quick cures for the average hangover? Unfortunately not. Choose to enjoy healthy foods and hydrate as much as possible. Your hangover may not go away any faster, but it will start to replenish your body and you’ll feel more like yourself sooner.
