The download of videos from Instagram it is not a native function of the social network, however, many third-party services simplify this work. Here’s how to download videos of Instagram ( stories either feed) on a computer or Android and iOS (iPhone).

How to copy a post link
First of all, you need to know how to copy the link of an Instagram post. This link is used to share the publication with other people through other social networks, but it also serves to inform which video should be downloaded from the third-party service.
- Access any post on Instagram;
- Tap the three dots in the top right corner;
- Select “copy the link“.
The share URL of the video you want to download will be saved to your phone’s clipboard, whether it’s Android or iOS (iPhone).
In its computerjust copy the full link from the address bar (where the website is written).
How to download a video from Instagram (timeline)
- go to website downloadgram.com ;
- Place the URL (link) in the indicated field;
- Click or tap Download;
- On mobile, tap Download Video again;
- On your computer, right-click Download Video, and then click Save Link As…;
- Choose the desired location to save the video.

Ready! The video will be saved, either on the computer or on the mobile phone. If you have any problem on iPhone or Android, you can try Video Downloader for Instagram an application available for Android (Google Play) or Regrammer for iPhone (App Store) .
How to download a video from Instagram Stories
on mobile
There are apps like story saver (Android) and Story Reposter (iPhone) that can do the dirty work. Simply download one of the two apps, sign in with your Instagram account (or enter your username, in the case of Story Reposter), and select the stories you want to download. For those who have iPhone, just tap on Share and then in Save image/video.
For Story Saver (Android), you need to tap on the user, select the desired story, and then tap Save. The image or video will be available in your gallery.
In the computer
If you have a computer nearby, everything is easier to download. My advice is to use this easy bookmark developed by our reader Matheus Falcão. This is how it is used in a few seconds:
- Access the bookmarking site, which works with all browsers;
- Activate the bookmarks bar in your browser. In Chrome, just press Ctrl+Shift+B (works to hide too);
- Drag or [instantgram] to the favorites bar;
- Login to instagram.com and click on the story you want to download;
- Click do not bookmark do [instantgram] in your favorites bar;
- Download the video like any other through your browser;
- Ready! The story has been saved (the bookmark also works for ordinary photos and videos).
Another option, if you don’t want to bookmark your browser, is install a chrome extension that downloads stories. We already show the full steps in another post, which also shows how to view stories without people knowing.