EU gives Apple two years to get rid of Lightning cables



Alan Pekrul /

Lawmakers within the European Union say they have reached an agreement on the “common charger” mandate that was proposed last year. By the end of 2024, all battery-powered wearables sold in the EU must have a USB-C port or rely entirely on wireless charging. And yes, this applies to the Apple iPhone.

The reasoning behind this decision is quite simple: could reduce consumer spending and e-waste. Lawmakers within the EU believe that people spend €250 million on “unnecessary” cable purchases every year. And although e-waste is difficult to measure, the EU estimates that a “common shipper” could reduce the annual burden of e-waste by 11,000 tonnes.

Most electronics manufacturers are not affected by this change. If anything, they can lower prices (or charge customers for more revenue) by selling products without chargers. But companies that are known for their proprietary charging systems, notably Apple, are in trouble.