Even $3 movie tickets aren’t enough to make me come back



Eric Glenn/Shutterstock.com

Most major theaters in the United States will offer tickets for just $3 on September 3. This national discount is in commemoration of National Movie Day, a made-up holiday that happens to fall on Labor Day weekend, a historically slow weekend for movie theaters.

Clearly, National Movie Day presents a cheap opportunity to catch a movie with your family. If you go in before noon, you will probably find a comfortable seat without many people.

But this discount shows that movie theaters still have the wrong mindset. Instead of fixing key problems, they insist that poor attendance is due to some kind of “forgetting”; if people just visited the cinema, they would remember how much they love cinema!

A one-day discount can encourage people to visit the cinema for the first time in two years. But it won’t solve theaters’ biggest problems: high prices, low-quality video and audio equipment, boring movies, underserved crowds, convoluted rewards programs, and direct-to-broadcast releases.

We hope you all enjoy your Labor Weekend and National Movie Day, but we’re not going back to theaters.

Source: Associated Press
