Five Common Mental Health Problems And How To Cope With Them

Five Common Mental Health Problems And How To Cope With Them

More than 40 million Americans suffer from different mental health problems. The numbers are surprising, but it is the bitter reality of today’s world.

Just like a physical illness, mental illness can affect any person. However, most people suffering from a mental health illness or Disorder do not know how to cope. Not just that, but stigma often prevents people from realizing or confronting such conditions head-on. Consequently, patients don’t get help, and their troubles become worse.

People experiencing mental distress understand such issues are physically and emotionally draining. But lack of knowledge about it can make things worse. Moreover, delayed treatment or diagnoses can make people more vulnerable. Therefore, it is crucial to understand different mental health problems and learn how to cope. Without awareness, you cannot help yourself or others suffering from a mental health illness.

Here are five common mental health problems and easy ways to treat them.

1- Substance abuse disorder

A substance abuse disorder affects a person’s ability to think and function properly. Mostly, people suffering from substance abuse have symptoms like getting addicted to drugs and being unable to do anything without consuming drugs regularly. Over time, substance abuse leads to physical health problems, issues at work, behavioral changes, financial issues, etc. Fortunately, professional drug rehabilitation centers like Delphi Health Group help people who suffer from drug abuse. They have addiction treatment plans that help people cope with various symptoms of substance abuse disorders.

2- Depression 

People who are depressed tend to lose all motivation to do things in their lives. Being depressed feels like you are sinking to the bottom of the ocean, and there is no hope left. You start losing interest in your daily life and become distant from your loved ones. These symptoms can elevate further, and you might start feeling agitated and frustrated because of a lack of sleep and appetite. People suffering from depression are self-conscious and often have strong feelings of worthlessness. Without proper treatment, depressive thoughts can increase the risk of suicidal behavior and thoughts.

3- Panic disorder

The main symptoms of a panic disorder are frequent panic attacks and constant worrying about having another attack in the future. During a panic attack, a person’s heart rate increases rapidly. It usually happens when a person fears a particular situation and wants to avoid it as much as possible. Often, a panic attack does not have an obvious cause, which can be nerve-wracking for the sufferer. People who have a panic disorder often stop socializing with others and become more distant. If this goes untreated, it can lead to phobias like agoraphobia- a fear of unavoidable situations.

4- Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder affects almost 2.6% of Americans annually, which is many people. A bipolar disorder is a condition in which patients experience erratic mood swings and emotions. One time, they would laugh hysterically and lose their temper within an instant. Not only do they have temperament issues, but frequent depressive episodes, which is quite alarming. When a person starts behaving like this, their cognitive ability gets affected, and they stop thinking rationally.

5- Post-traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health problem triggered after a person experiences a traumatic incident. A traumatic event can either be a natural disaster, a fatal accident, robbery, or physical and mental abuse. Because of PTSD, the patient cannot behave normally or balance their professional and personal life. They can easily get startled and start trembling out of nowhere. Most people often recover from PTSD if the symptoms are not that severe. However, it is best to seek professional help for this mental health problem.

How to cope with different mental health problems?

Suffering from a mental health illness is exhausting. If you are dealing with a mental health problem or know someone who suffers from one, it is best to get proper treatment. You can always consult a mental health professional for your problem or learn to cope with it. Some coping mechanisms are:

  • Come out of denial and accept you have a mental illness that needs immediate attention.
  • Ask your doctor to create a treatment plan for your mental health illness.
  • Take your medicines on time if your doctor prescribed any.
  • Read about psychotherapy and see if it can relieve your symptoms.
  • Invest your time in mindfulness, yoga, and meditation.
  • Sit with people who make you happy and calm your soul.
  • Try behavioral counseling and attend therapy sessions with a professional. 


You can help yourself and others by having emotional awareness and understanding about different mental health issues. If you suffer from a mental health problem or know someone who does, please reach out for professional help and guidance right away. Take these coping mechanisms into consideration and do the needed to treat the underlying mental health illness.