Flathub wants to be the ultimate Linux app store



Larry Ewing and the GIMP

There are many ways to install software on Linux PCs, but the Flathub app repository is one of the most popular methods. Flathub now aims to become the best possible app store across all Linux distributions and configurations with a new roadmap for 2023.

Flathub is a repository for software packaged in the Flatpak format, a container format that works on Ubuntu, Fedora, Pop!_OS, Elementary OS, Debian, Arch, and many other Linux distributions. It is even possible to run Flatpak software on Windows Subsystem for Linux or Linux container on Chrome OS. With Flatpak and Flathub, developers can create Linux apps and games that work well on many different Linux-based platforms (including the Windows Subsystem for Linux). Flathub says it currently offers 2,000 apps from more than 1,500 contributors, with around 700,000 app downloads each day.

The Flathub team outlined their plans for 2023 in a blog post, explaining that the team will expand operations and separate from the GNOME Foundation. The post reads: “We plan to establish a separate legal entity to own and operate Flathub, which reduces risk to the GNOME Foundation, better reflects Flathub’s independent and cross-desk interests, and provides flexibility going forward should we need to. change the structure.”

flat center image
The Flathub web redesign in development

Flathub is currently testing a new web version of the store, as well as a complete rebrand with a new logo. The team is also working on a verification feature that will let people know if an app is released by the original developer or if an unrelated developer or group repackages it into a Flatpak format. Other long-term goals include filters for verified apps, direct uploading of apps to Flathub, automated publishing tools for developers, and improved security.

Flatpak already has wide acceptance in the Linux community, especially since it is not tied to a specific application repository. Flathub is the most popular, but Elementary OS AppCenter switched to Flatpaks in 2021. Flatpak and Flathub’s main competitor is Snap and Snap Store, developed by Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu Linux.

Hopefully, the Flathub revamp will move the Linux ecosystem closer to a simple and cohesive app experience, which has been sorely needed for a long time.

Source: Flathub
