Nowadays, you have to be careful with what you do because you will never know what kind of illness you can get. Even something as simple as touching a public table can already make the bacteria stick to your skin for hours unless you clean it by pouring rubbing alcohol or washing your hands.
When you get sick, you tend to go to a doctor right away to treat yourself. Instead of going to an average doctor, have you ever thought of turning to a functional medicine doctor? But before anything else, do functional medicine doctors accept insurance today? There are several factors to think about that can impact your decision, such as health concerns, cost of treatment, etc.
Better Explanation for Functional Medicine
Not too many people know about functional medicine because people think it is expensive to cure illnesses or that the treatment does not work. You can find that functional medicine is the most efficient medical treatment method because it targets the root of the problem.
It is more effective because it does not focus on making a diagnosis and covering the symptoms with medications that will only make the illness come back if you do not take the medication regularly. And since it targets the root of your illness, it produces significantly better results, ensuring you go back to your daily activities in life.
Functional Medicine Doctors and Insurance
The next question to ask yourself is whether you can get an appointment with a functional medicine doctor using your insurance. The downside is that not a lot of medical insurance companies in the United States cover functional medicine. But even with medical insurance companies not covering functional medicine, at least 33% of American adults use one holistic health product or service every year.
33% is already a large number that medical insurance companies can add to their list of acceptable health coverages. Common examples of conventional or holistic medical methods, such as acupuncture, massage, chiropractors, etc., are not as highlighted as treatment options for severe health conditions.
However, studies have shown that there has been a recent increase in interest in conventional medicine therapies in the US. That is caused by the functional medicine doctors creating a more patient-centered approach to medicine, highlighting the power of functional medicine. So, do functional medicine doctors accept insurance? Maybe not today, but hopefully in the near future when everyone understands its benefits.
Advantages You Get When Getting Functional Medicine Treatment Without Insurance
What is excellent about functional medicine is that you still experience different benefits even if you do not have insurance. One benefit you need to know about is that conventional medicine usually limits what the doctor can offer, which can result in lacking health diagnosis and treatment. But with functional medicine, the doctors are not limited to what health services they can provide, giving specialized and concise diagnostic testing.
Another benefit is that functional medicine doctors do not have to rush your treatment and diagnosis process since there are no medical insurance companies that bring about no time constraint. It also means that functional medicine doctors can get to know their clients better and build meaningful relationships to aid in the treatment process.
More people should seek treatment from functional medicine doctors, even without insurance coverage. It might also gain the attention of medical insurance companies since they see an influx of people who prefer functional medicine over conventional.
Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.