How‌ ‌to‌ ‌Get‌ ‌More‌ ‌Likes‌ ‌on‌ ‌Instagram:‌ ‌5‌ ‌Basic‌ ‌Tips‌ ‌

How to Get More Likes on Instagram: 5 Basic Tips

At the end of 2020, Instagram surpassed its goal of attaining over a billion users. Can you imagine the sea of opportunity in a platform with that much traffic?  

If you’re wondering how to get more likes on Instagram and reach out to that sea, we have five golden tips that will take you there. 

They don’t require much work and they’re likely to turn the spotlight on your carefully curated posts. 

1. Do a Little Research

Start out by judging the competition. See what other brands and industries are doing. How are they curating their content? What images are they posting? 

In truth, you should go beyond your competition and explore Instagram profiles across a wide scope of industries.

You can garner new ideas, such as infographics or short videos, from any successful brand. Then, you can find a way to incorporate these ideas into your own marketing strategy. 

2. Work On Your Hashtags

This is one of the most important Instagram tips because hashtags are at the core of social media marketing. It’s true for nearly every platform.

And the best part about this stage in your growth process is the fact that it’s organic. 

There are plenty of analytics tools and social listening tools that can help you choose the right hashtags. But, you’ll probably have your own ideas, too. 

The best thing about Instagram is it will actually tell you how many people have also used any given hashtag, helping you to see you’re on the right path. 

If there’s a new type of essential oil you’d like to promote, for example, you’ll supplement your post with high-ranking hashtags like “essential oils,” or “essential oils for relaxation.” 

Then, people who are following these hashtags can be alerted to your post and will hopefully check out your website’s products/services page. 

3. Be a Wordsmith

It’s true we have a very short attention span and most people don’t read captions as they scroll. But, some do!

And, if your caption is catchy enough, you might garner a few more Instagram likes and secure new followers. 

If people connect with your message and tone, they’re likely to follow you and look forward to your next quippy post. 

4. Tag Others

If you have a certain product in one of your photos, tag the manufacturer. Or, if someone prominent contributed to your company in some way, tag them in your post. 

Often, what happens next is quite valuable. That big brand may like your photo. 

And, since we can see what someone likes with the little heart icon, people who are following that big brand or important personality can see they liked one of your posts. 

5. Tag Places

Just like people follow topical hashtags like “essential oils,” they often follow places, too. Whenever you’re able to tag a relevant locale in your post, do so!

You never know who might be following that city, town, or country, and will stumble across your post. With your well-written captions, you never knew how many new Instagram followers you can acquire in a day! 

That’s How to Get More Likes On Instagram

These are five of the easiest strategies that demonstrate how to get more likes on Instagram. 

You’ll find they’re fast and effective and don’t take a whole lot of sweat equity. 

As you continue to take social media by storm and grow your brand, we invite you to keep coming back to visit our blog. Our content is continually being updated, with your success in mind. 

Read more: How the GetInsta the one can make Instagram followers in millions