Google Reviews not showing – why only you? – 2022



Your quick response:

  1. If your Google reviews are not showing up, you are either the person who posted them or a business that missed some reviews.
  2. For the individual: If your published Google reviews aren’t appearing in Google My Business, verification may be in progress or it may have been detected as spam.
  3. For business owners: If your Google My Business has lost some of the Google reviews from the list, this is due to the exact reason the reviews were removed for false, spam or misleading information.

Google does not indicate or notify the reason and this is how the algorithm works to avoid fake reviews on Google.

Let’s understand how it works and what actions you can take if your reviews are invisible on Google My Business.

Can I see if a customer has written a review on Google today?

If you have a Google My Business account and you don’t receive daily review updates, you should know that it takes 7 business days for Google to display reviews on Google My Business. Likewise, if you just got some reviews that appeared on your business today, they were actually posted a few days ago.

Why are Google reviews not working?

Yes, It’s yours Google reviews not working means it won’t show up every time you post it, you’re probably making some mistakes that need to be fixed. Whether you have multiple listings or whatever, I’ll discuss these facts in detail, first of all, as this detects your reviews and decides whether or not to show up.

1. Reason for GMB listing

Be sure to add your reviews to a valid GMB page that has an active base and explain the service you received if the review does not match the listing information or the business is no longer in service or moving to a new business. business, I probably would. not being able to see reviews.

To make sure that you can experiment on some businesses by posting some reviews, you will soon find out that reviews are rejected for those whose businesses don’t have previous reviews yet. This may be because Google has decided not to show reviews before completing 5.

This case is resolved if the GMB owner makes changes or updates activities that may show their pending revisions in the future. Please note that this may be a temporary issue that will be fixed automatically soon.

The listing will also show up on Google Map along with Google search results.

2. Google reviews don’t count

If you see that the published reviews and the count do not match, make sure that some reviews have been removed or suspended. This happens due to some internal reasons including spam and abuse. Please note that if you have posted links to reviews, they are detected as spam and irrelevant reviews will most likely be removed from the Google My Business page.

Many people have reported that they notice that whenever they post reviews that contain a link within them, they never go public. Reviews may only be visible to you, but if you check them from the incognito window, you might notice the one that’s missing.

Before posting Google Business reviews, make sure they’re relevant and don’t use any links in them. Also, if you just added a review and it shows you 6, but it’s only 5 publicly, please allow a few days for it to update after verification by the Google My Business spam detection team.

3. Google Public Review: IF CANCELED

All reviews posted on Google My Business are generally public and recently it is not possible to hide them. You have to delete the review or just keep it public. If posted reviews are not visible, this could be because it is pending approval or if you have a business page where some reviews have been removed, this could be due to manual removal by the user.

I had my Google My Business where I noticed some reviews just disappeared. There can be two reasons why the user deleted the review or only Google deleted them automatically, even deleting the user’s Gmail account can result in deleting all the reviews from Google My Business.

4. Expect the COVID-19 pandemic 😷

If you previously noticed that Google disabled posting reviews on March 20, 2020 but resumed posting on April 9, Google just turned the feature on. You can now post reviews on Google My Business. At that time, all services, including Google My Business, were suspended due to staff unavailability due to COVID-19 😷.

Many people, including myself, who have Google My Business accounts or users noticed that the review option was not there. No problem, now the system is rebooted and you can post any review and it will be updated on the page after a few days.

The problem was temporary and this is not a bug that people were thinking of or Google will never close the option as it differs in commercial quality from the original reviews and services. Let’s go through it again and post the reviews you found on the GMB page.

5. My Google reviews are disappearing

Most reviews can disappear if they are detected as spam. If you brought reviews from Google, Google may have detected those accounts and taken action on them.

In personal cases, if you are that person whose published reviews have disappeared, this is due to spam detection or if you have just updated your reviews by adding negative words or links, this is the reason for Google’s action.

Now if you want to restore the review, simply update the default to normal if you have made any changes before and you will see the reviews restored within 5 business days. Also, if you just updated the review with more details, it is most likely pending approval and will be shown to the public soon.

How to fix if Google reviews are not showing?

It will only fix issues that prevent Google reviews from being listed. There are some tips to follow if you want to fix Google reviews not showing any problem when posting a review on a business page on Google.

Let’s start with the tips from the guide:

1. Avoid offensive words or grammatical errors

Bad words or grammatical errors in review comments can even change the meaning of a comment. In case you have a tendency to have grammatical problems when writing, make sure to check the review before posting and make sure there are no such offensive words in that post that Google will detect and refuse to display.

From reports, it has been shown that adding profanity to reviews can result in the permanent removal of that review and the same has been confirmed on Google’s terms and conditions page with more additional information. Not just limited to, so be specific before posting offensive or poorly written material.

Besides that, I would suggest using Grammarly for your work or any other tool that will catch your grammar and spelling mistakes for free to avoid misspellings. This will help in all areas of writing as a bonus.

2. Please allow up to 7 business days for it to appear

Google would not show your reviews instantly, even if you post them on weekdays and during business hours. This may take 3-7 business days to appear on the Google My Business page. But recently, this can take more than a week and this delay is temporary.

We then wait up to 7 business days to display your reviews on that page. If you notice this is taking more than a few weeks, check to see if your review was stopped for violating Google’s policies on Google My Business.

3. Don’t put the URL under review

If you put a URL in your review, it’s more likely that the Google team will hit you by pretending your review is spam. According to Google’s policy, adding links to reviews is considered spam. This means avoiding posting links in your review to get it approved in 7 days and display it publicly.

I tried to add links that might be useful for others to define the business or services, but those reviews remained invisible to the public. That is why it is recommended to add more information, but links should not be included in that review.

Whenever you want to post a review on any GMB page, keep it generic, simple, and descriptive so that other users understand it.

4. You should not be an employee

This thing that people need to be aware of, someone who is an employee of that particular company or just someone on the team trying to identify the company to users as interest, this is not allowed on Google My Business. You are not eligible to post your own review comments and this is necessary to maintain the impartiality of any business page.

Never done? Well, let’s remove it. You can post ads to other businesses that you’re a real customer of, but it’s a good idea to avoid reviewing your business or if you’re an employee there.

5. Update the Google My Business page: [For Owner]

Google My Business needs proper management to stay listed in Google search. If you are the business owner and have lost access, you can claim the business and make improvements or changes to the pages.

Also, if you see the label “Permanently Closed” by mistake, you can request and fix the problem by changing the status to “Open”.

The owner of the page may not receive any reviews if the business is found to have been inactive for a long time and this can be easily resolved by claiming the business I had done for my case and the same tab has been restored and opened to receive more reviews.

The bottom lines:

This article shows if your Google reviews are not showing or have simply disappeared from Google My Business, this could be because Google detected spam and removed them, or the user deleted their account, which caused the removals. . Whatever the reasons, to avoid having your reviews penalized, you should check the above guidelines and follow them accordingly when placing reviews on Google My Business. Additionally, Google My Business owners are encouraged to refresh the page regularly to stay listed.

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