Growing Peas, [12 Steps] to Sowing Peas in Your Garden

growing peas

Growing Peas, [12 Steps] to Sowing Peas in Your Garden

Growing peas ( Pisum sativum L.), also called pea, is an annual vegetable of the Legume family so, apart from its nutritional qualities, it is a soil improver thanks to the fact that it fixes atmospheric nitrogen. The forage growing pea is also excellent green manure for the organic garden.

There are many varieties and they can be classified by various concepts:

Precocity: early, medium, and late.
Shape of the seed at maturity: smooth or wrinkled.
Color of the mature seed: green, yellow, or white.
Size of the plant: low or dwarf bush when its height is less than 0.4 m (snow pea “Capuchino”); semienrame, between 0.8 and 1 m (“Rondo”); enrame, when it reaches 1.5 to 2 m (“Maravilla d’Etampes”).
Use: for consumption in grain and for consumption with pods (snow peas, bisaltos or cometodo).

Peas Environmental conditions

The pea likes cool climates and not excessively rainy. Highly resistant to frost since it allows temperatures of up to -2 ° C. It grows optimally between 16 ° C and 20 ° C. It requires soils that are worked in-depth, fresh, airy, and soft.

Planting pea Sowing

The time of sowing will depend on the climate of the place where they are going to be grown. In warm areas it can be sown from October, to have early harvests.

In colder regions, you should wait until mid-February, since there is a risk that it will not germinate or die from low temperatures.

(It can reach spring alive but with growth stopped for weeks, its production will diminish).

Growing peas in February

On many occasions, those sown in February are ahead in height and vigor to those sown in autumn that have had a cold winter.

For sowing, a furrow is made and a seed is dropped every 2 or 3 cm or 4 or 5 seeds are dropped 10 cm apart. The distance between lines ranges from 40 cm to 60 cm, depending on the size of the variety. The seeds have to be buried about 4 cm. Its transplant from seedbed is not recommended, but direct sowing in the field.

Planting Peas Care

In principle, the pea plant does not need fertilizer or irrigation, although it will depend a lot on the growing area.

When a very depleting crop has preceded it or in lands very poor in organic matter, you can add 2 to 3 kg / m 2of compost. In very limestone lands, they do not usually do very well because they suffer iron chlorosis.

If winter is being too dry and the soil needs it, it can be watered copiously and sparsely,

Especially after flowering.

To avoid puddles near the neck of the pea plant, it is advisable to huddle them lightly, and then we will do some hilling or weeding, trying not to do it too deeply to avoid damage to the roots.

If we want to avoid weeding, it is very interesting to sow radishes or turnips between pea lines.

Let’s take into account that it associates well with all crops except garlic and onions because they inhibit their growth.


growing pea Tendrils

Growing Peas Tendrils

The staking of the peas will be necessary in the varieties of enrame and its execution differs quite a lot from the staging of the tomato, since the peas have tendrils with which they will be grasped, without the need to tie them as we do with the tomatoes.

But the tendrils by themselves are hardly going to grab onto the trellis rods because they are too thick, so it is advisable to use thinner ones or mesh attached with several rods between 1.5 m and 1.8 m high, or stakes made of wood, iron or plastic.

We can use from plastic construction meshes to metallic chicken coop meshes.

The placement is quite simple, you simply have to nail the poles every meter and tie them to the pole with rope or ties. With a mesh of one and a half meters high it will be more than enough.

It is usually placed when the peas have germinated and the plant has a height of about 10-15 cm. You just have to bring the plants closer to the mesh to help them find their hold.

Growing Peas Problems

Beyond protecting them from slugs and birds, their biggest problem is powdery mildew at the end of their cultivation, when temperatures rise above 20 ° C. In principle, a preventive application of horsetail will suffice.

In the case of a serious condition, applications of sulfur mixed with lithothamne algae will have to be used.

[12 Steps] to Sowing Peas in Your Garden Without Problems

Did you know one thing Peas can be grown almost all year round, except July and August (the hottest months)?

Do you know anything else? They have a HUGE amount of health benefits. And… the last one: during their cultivation they release nitrogen into the soil, so greatly enhance the sowing that is done later of other vegetables and greens.

I don’t know if you’re convinced, but I am. I want to grow my own peas and I want to learn how to do it.

Go for it 🙂

[12 Steps] to Sowing Peas in Your Garden Without Problems

How to Plant Peas Step by Step

1. When? Preferably in autumn. In cold climates, from February.sow peas 9
2. Where? The place that receives sunlight. At least 6 hours of light a day.
Harvest time? Between 58 and 72 days.
3. How do we prepare the land? PH 6.5. Moist and well-draining soil. Removed with a motor hoe (preferably).
4. How do we pay? With compost, lightly. Also worm castings. Adding more nitrogen is not recommended.
5. How do we water? Ideal, with the drip.
6. How often do we water? Avoid waterlogging. It prefers copious and spaced waterings. So wait several days but more watering time. 7. Do not water the plants to avoid diseases.
8. How do we plant peas? Make furrows. Bury the seeds about 3 cm. Then every 20 cm rebury a seed. They are plants that require a lot of space.
9. How do we do the harvest? Pay regular attention to the lumps of the peas that grow inside the pods. Monitor the appearance of flowers, generally, a week later we can collect.
10. What do we associate it with? In general with any other crop.
11. What do we NOT associate it with? Neither garlic nor onions.
12. What pests and diseases does it have? The pea worm, birds, snails, aphids.

Peas are legumes that grow in cooler climates, between autumn and spring.

They are characterized by being climbing plants and, in addition to being a good source of proteins, minerals, and fibers, they are also beneficial for the earth, since they fix nitrogen in the soil.

Peas can be eaten

Peas can be eaten fresh, in salads, rice, soups, stir-fries, or stews.

And how they turn out relatively easy to sow, they are a good option for those who are starting to make their own garden.
It was one of the plants used by Gregor Mendel in his experiments, which laid the foundations for genetics.

Main characteristics of Peas

Its scientific name is Pisum sativum and it is native to the Mediterranean basin. It is one of the oldest edible plants and probably the first cultivated by humans. Nearly 10,000-year-old fossils have been found in archaeological sites in the Near East. By 2,000 a. C. its cultivation had already spread throughout Europe.

Did you know…
The best way to detach fresh peas is to use your thumb to scrape the peas as they are only attached to one side of the pod.
The peas as we consume them are actually the seed that is enclosed in the pea pot.

Growing Peas Varieties

Dwarf varieties, whose stem reaches between 35 and 60 cm. of length.
Semi-dwarf varieties, with stems of 60 to 70 cm.
Climbing varieties, whose stems measure between 100 and 180 cm.
Peas are harvested during cool seasons from the northern hemisphere, although they can be enjoyed both in spring and autumn.

Sow Growing peas Plant requires loose soil

sow peas Plant requires loose soil and light for cultivation and although not very choosy about the nutrients of the substrate where they are grown, is recommended to provide some fertilizer containing lime and dolomite.

By sowing it, in addition to taking advantage of all the nutrients that freshly grown peas provide, you can enjoy its exquisite flavor when they are still fresh.

And the best thing is that you will greatly increase the structure of the soil in your garden. Even the bushes that remain after harvest will serve as green manure.

Did you know…
You can tell if the peas are young by the firmness of their pods.
Necessary conditions for growing peas
To sow peas we must pay attention to the following requirements:

growing peas plant

Growing Peas weather

They do well in a temperate climate, with moderate cold and humid. They do not withstand excess heat, nor very dry weather.

Its optimal temperatures are around between 15 to 22 ºC.

With temperatures below 8 ºC, the plant stops growing and its development stops.

Growing Peas Weather tips

If the place where you are has very low temperatures, it will be better to sow a month before the date of the last frost.

They also do not support high temperatures. Above 30 ºC, it is no longer recommended for the well-being of the plant.

sow peas 10To ensure a cool climate, we can grow peas in late summer or early fall and thus harvest them for the winter.

Pea plants prefer to be in full sun. At least 6 hours a day, ensuring that the weather is not too hot.

Semi shadow

In semi-shadow, its performance decreases a bit, but it does not stop.

Some varieties, such as those with wrinkled seeds, bear a little more shade.

If you live in a very hot region, plant your peas in a time when the sun is not as intense or in a place where they receive sun, but they can be in the shade during the hottest hours.

Determine which spots in your garden are best for growing peas.

Growing Peas Irrigation

It requires soil with a certain degree of humidity , so copious and spaced waterings are advisable, more than continued watering.

Growing Peas Watering recommendations

The most important is to avoid waterlogging. An excess water can cause the seeds to rot.

Use the drip irrigation to go providing water slowly throughout the day and night, in moderate amounts.

To prevent fungus from forming , it is best to aim the water at the soil and not at the leaves .

When the seeds have not yet germinated, try to drip irrigation so that the water pressure does not drown them or bury them further.

During the flowering period , the plants will need more water supply.

Growing Peas Trick:

To find out when to water , bury a pencil in the dirt .

If it comes out dry, it means that the soil needs to be watered .

On the contrary, if it comes out with traces of soil attached , it means that the soil still contains sufficient moisture in the lower layers.
Wait until the top first 7 centimeters of soil has dried before watering it again.

It is recommended to establish a good watering regime and be constant.

You can use a soft sprinkler, such as a rain hose type of sprinkler head.

As information, for industrial planting it is recommended to water the pea plants 70 ml per plant , every two days.

Growing Peas Nutrients

Although peas are not a particularly nutrient- demanding crop , they do require significant contributions of fertilizers. This will ensure a good harvest.

Depending on the soil conditions , it may be convenient to add some complex compost that contains some lime and dolomite.

Growing Peas Tips on nutrients

sow peas 4In the case of poor soils , we can add a little well-fermented compost . You can also add worm h umus.

Remember that peas can get their own nitrogen . If you give too much of it in the form of fertilizer you will achieve that l as guides to grow large , but give few peas.

If the plant grows yellow , or does not produce flowers at a regular rate , you can add a handful of compost to the top layer of soil.


When they have blossomed, you can also apply a banana infusion or potato infusion to add potassium .

Did you know…
India is the world’s largest producer of peas.
The substrate Peas adapt well to all types of soil , as long as the soil is loose and has a reasonable amount of compost .

However, they prefer cool, soft and well-drained soils.

Not you agree soils very chalky and dry or too humid acids.

Recommendations on the substrate

Keep the soil free of weeds to avoid pests and diseases.

You must ensure that the pH is not less than 6.5.

It is not necessary that the soil be excessively deep , but it does have a good drainage . To achieve this, sawdust or small stones can be added to the substrate to facilitate drainage.

Another good idea to make it easier for the water to drain properly is mulch with mulch or comfrey leaves.

They need a sunny exposure and frequent waterings.

Before sowing The Growing Peas seeds

The pea seed is round, 0.5 cm . approximately. Its color is greenish brown or white , depending on the variety.

It can also be smooth or wrinkled.

Choose a variety that is to your liking and that fits well where you are going to grow it.

Climbing varieties need a framework that channels their growth. They are more showy and require more vertical space.

The dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties grow in shrubs and are more compact , so they do not require support. Since they don’t generate much shade, you can even plant them around other plants.

Growing PeasTemperature

The ideal temperature should be 20ºC.

Growing Peas PH

Check the pH of the soil . The range should not be less than 6.5

Growing Peas Compost

Add a well-fermented compost to the soil . You can also add worm castings.

Add 7.5 cm of compost for every 30 square meters of soil.

It may be convenient to add some complex compost that contains some lime and dolomite.

The potting soil has fertilizer built in, so you may not need to add compost to it.

To have a good harvest, don’t overdo it with the fertilizer . Remember that peas can get their own nitrogen.

Where to sow peas?

Sow Peas The soil must be moist and have good drainage to avoid puddles.

Find a place where the plants receive at least 6 hours of sun a day , ensuring that the weather is not too hot.

If you live in a very hot region, plant your peas at a time when the sun is not as intense , or in a place where they receive sun, but they can be in the shade during the hottest hours.

You will need a good area of ​​land , since the cultivation of peas is usually done in furrows.

Dig the grooves to a depth of approximately 5 cm , leaving a considerable distance between each one . Approximately 50 cm between each furrow.

We recommend you water the land before sowing.

How to Plant Peas

When do we sow peas?

The sowing time varies a bit depending on the variety and the climate where you live, although in general, it is sown in autumn, between October and December, so that approximately 10 weeks later the first pods can be collected.If your region has very freezing winters , you can plant them in late winter .

If you prefer, to find the last date you can plant your peas for fall, locate the date of the last frost in your region and count 70 days from it.

Did you know…
They can retain their nutrients if you run them through water. Young peas can be eaten raw.

The sowing peas process

sow peas 12Let the seeds soak overnight before sowing to ensure good germination.Once the grooves have been made in the ground , make holes in each one, at a depth no greater than 3 cm .

Dig holes every 20 cm.

Put three or four seeds in each one . When the seeds have been set , cover the furrow with some mulch and press the soil lightly . Then water very gently to avoid exposing the seed.

Here you can take water by hand and sprinkle it where you sowed the seed.

peas planting

Sow in a Seedbed

If you prefer to sow in a seedbed , place the seed at a depth of 2cm . and keep moisture in the ground .

You should transplant when the seedlings are 8 cm high.

In doing so, try not to mistreat the roots and, if they are very curled, you can cut them a little. Place the seedlings 15 cm apart from each other.

As a recommendation, Consider spacing your field. Two plants are enough for one person, every other day.

Calculate the number of people and how often you will harvest your peas to decide how many plants you should plant.

Depending on the variety and freshness of the seed, the first sprouts on the surface can be seen between 2 and 10 days.

If the soil is rich in nutrients, you may no longer need to add fertilizer once the peas are planted.

Peas are green because

Did you know…
Peas are green because they are harvested when they are immature.

As they mature they begin to turn yellow and turn into starch.
The tutee sow peas During the growth of the pea we will need to tutor the plants .

This is done to favor the exposure of the plant to sunlight and to provide adequate ventilation.

Likewise, a good tutoring allows the pods to develop properly.

Tutoring is particular for those varieties of enrame.

At the beginning, it is recommended to drive a stake when the first shoots show so that they can grow.

As the plant rises , the structure should get bigger and bigger . To achieve this you can build tripods with dry branches , canes or wires, so that the plants can be linked and grow vertically.

If you do not have reeds, you can also build some kind of wall with mesh or wire mesh through which they can become entangled.

Keep in mind that some varieties will only reach 60 cms. Tall. These do not require structures to support them.

Harvesting and gathering

Most varieties of young peas take between 58 and 72 days to arrive at the time of harvest, although there are varieties that may take another 40 or 50 days.

To know if your peas are ready to be harvested , you just have to inspect the plants regularly , feeling the pods gently and paying special attention to the lumps of the peas that have formed.

sow peas 13Another way to tell when is the right time to harvest is by keeping an eye on the appearance of flowers . Normally the harvest can be given a week after the plant has produced flowers.

We will collect the pods when they are stuffed , but they are not too big. They should generally have reached a length of 5 to 7.5 cm.

Can harvest the pods every other day for the best flavor and texture.

Need to remove the pods regularly to encourage the plants to produce more.

You can also harvest young shoots, if you wish . Young pea shoots can be eaten raw or cooked. To do this, you must cut the top two levels of leaves from the plant.

Do not cut more than that , as the stem becomes fibrous when it grows . This will allow the pea plants to grow back and you can harvest them multiple times.

Some peas, like snow peas, taste best when harvested young.

Preferably, harvest them the same day you plan to consume them. The flavor begins to diminish as soon as you remove them from the plant.

What associations are good?

Peas do well with most plants, except garlic and onion. If you try to leave space between each pea plant, between them you can plant radishes or plant lettuces .

sow garlic We will space the rotations in the same plot every two or three years.

What does he not get along with?
With the garlic and onions.

Pea pests and diseases
Peas can face different pests and diseases during their cultivation. The most commons are:

Birds, snails and rodents . To prevent pea crops from being eaten, it is best to protect the plant with protective nets.

Pea worm
To prevent its proliferation, Bacillus thuringiensis can be used.

This pest can be counteracted with potassium soap if it is mild.

In addition, the downy and powdery mildew are common problems in the cultivation of peas in hot and humid weather. To combat it is recommended to apply the extract of horsetail or sulfur powdering.

This remedy can be alternated with a light solution of cider vinegar , apple vinegar or baking soda and water . In this way, you may be able to stop the infection before it escalates.

If you have had a severe infection, do not plant peas or tomatoes there next year, as they are likely to become infected from the first moment.

More varieties of peas

To learn more about the different varieties of peas out there, take a look at this article. In the same way, they can also be classified by their seed, whether it is smooth, wrinkled, white or green.

  • Dwarf varieties with round and smooth seeds: Petit Provenzal or Negret Pea, Volunteer Pea.
  • Round and smooth seed climbing varieties: Prince Albert Pea, Express Pea, Dutch Michaux Pea, Canned King Pea.
  • Wrinkled seed dwarf varieties: Orpheus Pea, Arkel Pea, Oberon Pea, Myzam Pea, Kalife Pea.
  • Semi-dwarf varieties Wrinkled seed: Semi-dwarf Telephone Pea, Lincoln Pea.
  • Wrinkled seed climbing varieties: Senator Pea, Climbing Telephone Pea, Alderman Pea.
  • Industrial varieties: They are very productive. Zenit Pea, Juwel Pea, Monopol Pea, Corky Pea, Oney Pea, Yukon Pea.
  • Industrial varieties to freeze after harvest: Pea Freezer 69, Pea Freezer 626, Pea Sprite, Pea Freezer 640.
  • Varieties for export: Climbers. Maussane’s Carouby pea. Tirabeque pea.

You will find that depending on where you live , peas are given different names , which can lead to a number of confusions. They are known as peas, peas, beans, and so on.

To clear up this confusion a bit, here we also mention popular variety names, such as:

English peas : They are the most common peas. The seed is inside the pod and must be removed from it to eat. The pod is generally very hard and tasteless.

Snow peas : They are also known as green peas or Snow Pea . Its pods are flatter and its flavor is sweeter. It is not necessary to peel the pods, as they are edible.

Sugar Peas

They are also known as Snap Pea They look more like kidney beans. The pod is thicker and crispier. They come only in climbing varieties, but a good production is achieved in confined spaces.

Main properties of peas

As a good legume, peas are a food with multiple benefits and very rich in nutrients. Among its properties we can find:

  • . They are an excellent source of vegetable protein , vitamins and minerals . With just 150 g, two thirds of the daily needs of vitamins C and K are covered , and almost 10% of vitamin A.
  • These contain a high concentration of enzymes and antioxidants.
  • They are also one of the legumes with the highest contribution of carbohydrates , specifically, soluble sugars .
  • Also improve the mood.
  • They promote cell development and regeneration.
  • Fight anemia.
  • They are an excellent alternative for those who suffer from diabetes because they are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that favors the absorption of glucose, which benefits the pancreas and the production of insulin.
  • Other hypoglycemic components present in peas are ascorbic and salicylic acid, as well as chromium and manganese.
  • They facilitate the absorption of LDL cholesterol and saturated fats that form atheroma plaques in the arteries.
  • Likewise, they promote good intestinal function. They provide a good amount of fiber and fight constipation.
  • Frequent consumption of peas can help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Conclusion and Recommendations

1. Don’t plant the same crop in the same spot for more than a year.
This will help prevent weathered soil diseases.
2. Water growing peas regularly. To prevent any fungus from forming, aim the water at the soil and not the leaves.
3. You may notice that green peas need more water just when they start to flower. At this time it is okay to increase the amount of water to promote healthy fruit production.
4. Add a layer of mulch to the surface of the soil. This locks in moisture and protects plants from heat.
5. Keep the soil free of weeds to avoid pests and diseases. If weeds appear near your young peas, remove them by hand, especially when the plants are still very young.
6. Also, remove old or diseased leaves.
7. If the plant is yellow or not producing flowers at the expected rate, just add a small handful of compost to the top layer of soil.
8. Leave a few pods to fully mature near the end of the growing season. You can use its seeds to sow them next year.
9. Sometimes the flowers of peas tend to attract beneficial insects to the garden.
10. Look at your weekly plants and avoid infestations of pests and diseases.

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