How Much Cache Should Your Next CPU Have?




The amount of cache you need depends on what you plan to do with your computer. Use benchmarks to find a CPU with the right combination of cache, cores, and clocks to run the applications you need.

Shopping for a new CPU is hard enough when you only have cores and clock speed to worry about. So what are these “cache” specs all about, and how much of this stuff should you have in your next CPU?

What is CPU cache?

The CPU cache is a small, fast memory that stores frequently used data and instructions. This allows the CPU to access this information quickly without waiting for RAM to be (relatively) slow.

The CPU cache is divided into different levels, with each level providing faster access to data and instructions. The smallest and fastest cache level is called L1 cache, followed by L2 cache and L3 cache. The L1 cache is usually built into the CPU itself, while the L2 and L3 cache are usually located in other places nearby.

Why is CPU cache important?

CPU cache is important because it directly affects the performance of a CPU. The more cache memory a CPU has, the less time it spends waiting for data, resulting in a loss of performance. However, cache is also a limited resource, and adding more cache to a CPU can also significantly increase both its power consumption and cost.

Different tasks require different amounts of cache

The amount of cache required by different CPU tasks can vary, and it’s not really possible to offer specific cache sizes to aim for. This is especially true when moving from one CPU generation to the next, as newer CPUs may have faster cache memory allowing them to do more with less. In general, tasks that require frequent access to large amounts of data, such as gaming, video editing, and scientific simulations, can benefit from more cache memory.

On the other hand, tasks that don’t require frequent access to large amounts of data, such as basic web browsing and word processing, may not benefit as much from having more cache. Consider what you’ll be using your computer for before making a purchase decision so you don’t overbuy.

How to choose the right cache size

Once you’ve determined which applications you want to run, and you know that cache size will affect the performance of those applications, how do you find the right balance between core count, processor speed, and cache size?

The most practical way is to look for benchmark results for the CPUs you are considering in applications or games that you will actually run on your new CPU. is one place where you can get that information. Use your CPU budget as a guiding factor and see if a CPU with more cache for that budget has a bigger performance hit than one with faster clocks or more cores.

For example, the AMD 5800X3D offers fantastic gaming performance thanks to its massive cache allocation, but falls short in applications like video editing compared to similarly priced CPUs with more cores.

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D

The king of gaming performance CPUs got its crown thanks to tons of 3D stacked advanced cache, but while you also want to tackle tasks that benefit from 8+ cores, it might not be as fast as the competition.

You can also consider how sensitive your intended applications are to bandwidth and RAM speed. In some cases, you may benefit more from diverting some of your budget to faster RAM than more cache on your CPU. The most important rule is not to get bogged down in how many megabytes or cache levels a CPU has. The only thing that matters is performance in the real world!
