How to add a page in Google Docs



To add a new page anywhere in your Google Docs document, select an option from the Docs menu bar or use a keyboard shortcut. We’ll show you how to use both options in Docs on desktop and mobile.

In Google Docs, you basically add a new page by inserting a page break. Anything typed after this page break will appear on the new page.

RELATED: How to add, show and remove page and section breaks in Google Docs

Insert a new page in Google Docs on desktop

To add a new page to a document from your desktop, first launch the Google Docs site on your computer. Then open the document you want to add a page to.

On the document editing screen, place the cursor where you want to insert a new page. Everything to the right of your cursor will move to the new page.

Select the new location of the page.

In the Google Docs menu bar, select Insert > Break > Page Break. Alternatively, press Ctrl + Enter (Windows, Linux, Chromebook) or Command + Enter (Mac).

Choose Insert > Break > Page Break.” width=”650″ height=”357″ onload=”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);” onerror=”this.onerror=null;pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);”/></p>
<p>If you have enabled the View > Show Print Layout option, you will see a page break line indicating the new page.  If you don’t have that option enabled, scroll down to see your new page.</p>
<p><img decoding=

And this is how you split your text across multiple pages in Google Docs. Very useful!

RELATED: All the best Google Docs keyboard shortcuts

Add a new page in Google Docs on mobile

To insert a new page from your mobile, first launch the Google Docs app on your phone. Then tap the document you want to add a page to.

On the document preview page, in the lower right corner, tap the pencil icon. This will allow you to edit your document.

On the edit screen, tap where you want to add a new page. Everything to the right of the selected location will appear on the new page. Then, at the top, select the “+” (plus) icon.

Choose a location and touch

In the “Insert” menu that opens, select “Page Break.”


In your document, you will see a dotted line with the text “Page break”. Anything below this line is on a new page.

A page break line in Google Docs on mobile.

And that’s how you turn your single-page documents into multi-page documents in Google Docs.

Now that you’ve added multiple pages to your document, you may want to add page numbers to make it easier to find a specific page in your document. Check out our guide to learn how to do just that.

RELATED: How to Add Page Numbers to Google Docs
