How to change the name of your AirPods



Burdun Iliya /

By giving your AirPods a unique name, you make it easy to find them among other Bluetooth-enabled devices. It’s easy to change the name of your AirPods and you can use an Apple device to do it. We’ll show you how.

Change the name of your AirPods using an iPhone

To update your AirPods name with your iPhone, make sure your iPhone is paired and connected to your AirPods.

Then on your iPhone, launch the Settings app and tap on “Bluetooth”.

Select "Bluetooth" in the settings of.

On the “Bluetooth” page, find your AirPods in the list. Then, next to your AirPods, tap on the “i” icon.

Play "the" next to the AirPods.

On the AirPods page, tap the “Name” field.

Select "Name."

On the “Name” screen that opens, delete the existing name by tapping “X”.

Play "X" next to the current name.

Tap the field and type a new name for your AirPods, then press Enter.

Type a new AirPods name and press Enter.

And that is. Your AirPods will now use your newly specified name, and you’ll see this name appear instantly on all of your other Apple devices. Enjoy!

In this way, you can also change your Bluetooth name and AirDrop name on your iPhone and iPad if you want.

RELATED: How to Change Your Bluetooth Name on iPhone and iPad
