How to change your signature in Outlook



Whether you’ve changed your job title or want to update your phone number, Microsoft Outlook makes it easy to change the content of your email signature. We’ll show you how to edit your signature in the desktop, web, and mobile versions of Outlook.

Remember that changing the email signature on one device does not affect your other devices. For example, if you update your signature on mobile, it will not change your signature on desktop and vice versa. To use the same signature on all your devices, you will need to update the signature individually on each of your devices.

Update your signature in the Outlook desktop app

To change the content of your email signature on your desktop, first launch the Outlook application on your computer.

When Outlook opens, in the upper left corner, click “File.” Then in the left sidebar select “Options”.

In the “Outlook Options” window, on the left sidebar, click “Mail.” In the right panel, select “Signatures”.

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You will see a “Signatures and Stationery” window. Here, in the “Select signature to edit” section, choose your email signature.

Select a signature.

The content of your signature is displayed in the large “Edit signature” box. Make any changes you want to your signature in this box. Your changes may include adding or removing text and formatting text.

When you have updated the signature, save your changes by clicking “OK” at the bottom.

In the “Outlook Options” window, again click “OK”.

Select "To accept" on the bottom.

And your signature in Outlook desktop app has been changed successfully.

Modify your signature in Outlook on the web

The web version of Outlook also makes it easy to edit and update your email signature. To do that, first, open a web browser on your computer and launch Outlook. Then sign in to your account if you haven’t already.

In the upper right corner of Outlook, click the Settings icon, which looks like a gear.

Select "Setting" on top.

At the bottom of the “Settings” menu, click “View all Outlook settings.”

choose "See all Outlook settings".

Under “Settings,” choose Mail > Compose & Reply. Then, in the right pane, click the dropdown menu under “New Signature” and choose your signature.

Select a signature.

You will see the content of your signature in the large text box. Here, make any changes you want to your signature. Then click “Save” to save it.

Outlook has saved your modified signature and it will now be used for your emails.

Change your signature in the Outlook mobile app

To make changes to your email signature on your mobile device, first launch the Outlook app on your phone. In the top left corner of Outlook, tap your profile icon.

In the menu that opens, tap the Settings icon, which looks like a gear.

choose "Setting" on the bottom.

In “Settings”, find the “Mail” section and choose “Signature”.


On the “Signature” page, tap the text field and delete the existing content. Then enter your new email signature. When you’re done, in the top right corner, tap the check mark icon.

Modify the Outlook signature.

And you have successfully updated your email signature on your mobile. Enjoy!

On a related note, did you know that you can also change your signature in Gmail? Check out our guide if you want to learn how to do it.

RELATED: How to change your signature in Gmail
