how to delete facebook – Diario Informe



Are you tired of the most famous social network in the world?

Billions of people use this social media giant on a daily basis, according to Facebook statistics. So why do you want to take away his friendship?

It’s okay; We are not here to judge. Rather, let us help you learn how to delete Facebook.

How to delete a Facebook account?

Before proceeding with deleting your account, let’s consider the following:

    • Facebook allows you download a copy of your information
  • you only have 30 days to change your mind and cancel the deletion. After that, you will not be able to access or recover any data.
  • Once Facebook deletes your account, all information about the user is permanently gone.
  • You won’t be able to login FacebookMessenger plus.
  • After deleting Facebook, you cannot use your login details for other applications with which you log in using your Facebook account.
  • For regain access to your accountyou can contact customer service or use Facebook App Settings

Now that you know what happens when you permanently delete your account, let’s see how to log out of Facebook:

in a computer

  1. Sign in to your Facebook account in a browser.
  2. At the top right of the screen, click the dropdown arrow.
  3. Go to Settings & Privacy, then select Settings.
  4. On the left side of the screen, you will see your Facebook information.
    facebook settings
  5. After tapping the info button, Facebook will direct you to the following page:
    Your information on Facebook
  6. You will see the Deactivation and Removal section. Click the View button.
  7. Next – Select the Delete account section. And then that continues with account deletion.
    Facebook option Delete account
  8. You will see the following window:
    keep data before deleting account options
  9. When you touch the Delete account button, you must Enter your password and click Continue.
  10. And voila! We show you how to delete Facebook through a browser.

Now let’s see how to do it on a mobile device:

  1. Open the Facebook app and sign in.
  2. You’ll see a three-line icon at the top right on Android or bottom right on iOS. play it
  3. Then go to Settings and Privacy, then Settings yet.
    Facebook settings and mobile privacy
  4. Go to Account and Personal Information.
    Personal information of the Facebook account on the mobile
  5. and touch Ownership and control of accounts.
    Control of ownership of the Facebook account on mobile devices
  6. Click Deactivation and Removal. Then select Delete account.
    options to deactivate and cancel facebook on mobile
  7. You can choose to provide a reason or go directly to Continue with account deletion.
  8. Before deleting your account, you will go to a page where you can choose to download information, review applications, etc.
    mobile phone data saving options
  9. If you have no doubts, touch Delete account, enter your password and you are good to go.
    mobile account deletion

That’s it: your Facebook account is gone forever.

If you decide to cancel your deletion request after all, go to the app, sign in to your account and click undo deletion option.

How to deactivate a Facebook account?

Let’s say you’ve changed your mind and miss that sweet Facebook timeline of yours.

Or maybe you regret your time on social media, but you’re not ready to say goodbye forever.

Ok: instead of deleting it, you can deactivate Facebook. The advantage of this is that you can always reactivate it at a later time without risk of data loss.

Also, disabling Facebook is a short-term solution that prevents your profile details from being visible. Also, no one will be able to send you friend requests.

Unlike Facebook deletion, no data is deleted when you deactivate your account. Also, you’ll still have messenger access and you can still use Facebook login information to access other applications.

The process of deactivating your account follows similar steps as deleting your account. Now you just have to click Deactivate instead of Delete.

in a computer

  1. Login to Facebook using a browser.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu at the top right of the screen.
  3. Select Settings and privacy, then Settings yet.
  4. Go to Your Facebook Information portal, then click Deactivation.
  5. Then enter your password and tap Deactivate account.

On a mobile device

  1. Sign in to the Facebook app on your phone.
  2. Click the three-line icon in the top right on Android or bottom right on iOS.
  3. Tap Settings & Privacy, then Settings.
  4. Then go to Personal and Account Information.
  5. Select Account Ownership and Control.
  6. Click on Deactivation and cancellation and choose Deactivate account.
  7. Enter your password, then select Continue.

And this is how you deactivate Facebook. Piece of cake!

To wrap

Of course, it’s up to you to decide if you want to say goodbye to Facebook temporarily or permanently.

Deleting your Facebook account is the only way to stop using it forever. Alternatively, deactivate your account if you need a temporary break from social media.

A simple reactivation will retrieve all your images and posts and your Facebook friends and groups when you’re ready to return. However, if you never want to look back, now you know how to delete Facebook.
