How to delete temporary files in Windows 10



Windows Temporary Files, as the name implies, are temporary files created by certain programs when used on your Windows 10 device. These files can quickly add up and consume valuable storage space, so you may want to delete them. .

Use Disk Cleanup

Disk Cleanup is a Windows 10 program that allows you to quickly delete files that are no longer needed, including temporary files. To start Disk Cleanup, type “Disk Cleanup” in the Windows search bar, and then click the “Disk Cleanup” app in the search results.

Search for Disk Cleanup in Windows.

The Windows Disk Cleanup (C:) window will open. Check the box next to each type of temporary file you want to delete, and then click “OK.”

A pop-up message will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected files. Click “Delete Files.”

The system will start deleting the selected temporary files.

Delete temporary files from the settings app

You can also delete temporary files from the Settings app. First, open Settings by clicking the Windows icon in the lower left corner of the desktop to open the Start menu, and then click the gear icon. Alternatively, press Windows + i.

The Settings window will open. Here, click on the “System” option.

Next, click “Storage” on the left panel.

On the next screen, click “Temporary Files” in the Windows (C:) group.

A list of what your system considers temporary files will appear. Check the box next to the files you want to delete, and then click “Delete Files.”

Windows 10 will now start deleting temporary files.

Delete temporary files manually

If you like to do things the old-fashioned way, you can also delete temporary files yourself in File Explorer. But instead of searching through multiple layers of folders trying to locate the Temp folder, you can use a shortcut. First, press Windows + R to open the Run app. Once open, type %temp% in the text box, and then click “OK” or press Enter.

The Temp folder will open in File Explorer. Select the files you want to delete. You can quickly select all files by pressing Ctrl + A. Selected files are highlighted in blue.

Press Ctrl + A to select all temporary files.

Then right click on any of the selected files. In the context menu that appears, click “Delete”.

Windows will begin deleting the selected temporary files.

As we mentioned, deleting temporary files is a good way to reclaim storage space, but deleting temporary files may also help improve your PC if it’s running a little slow. If that’s your goal and deleting temporary files didn’t help, try clearing your PC’s cache.

RELATED: How to clear your PC cache in Windows 10
