How to disable the download popup menu in Edge



When you download a file with Microsoft Edge, a download menu appears and blocks part of your view of the browser window below. If you find this annoying, you can easily disable it on PC or Mac. Here’s how

First, open the Edge app. In any Edge browser window, click the ellipsis (three dots) button in the upper right corner. In the menu that appears, select “Settings”.

When the Settings tab opens, click “Downloads” in the sidebar.

In the download settings, toggle the switch next to “Show the download menu when a download starts” to the off position (when it’s no longer highlighted).

In the download settings, toggle the switch next to "Show the download menu when a download starts" to the off position (when it is no longer highlighted).

After that, close the Settings tab. The next time you download a file, the Downloads pop-up menu will no longer appear. Happy browsing!

RELATED: How to view and clear download history in Microsoft Edge
