How To Earn $2000 Learning To Code A Rocket League Bot



skill quest

Yes, you read that headline right. Not only can you learn to code by building a bot that plays Rocket League, but you can also win $2000 if you enter the Skillquest tournament.

Disclaimer: The founder of SkillQuest is a personal friend and I’m so excited about what they’re doing there that I’m promoting this completely free of charge.

Wait, what is Rocket League?

Rocket League is a vehicular “soccer” game, and it’s complete chaos. It’s incredibly popular, and the only reason I’m including this section is in case my grandmother is reading this, because I’m sure you all know about it by now. I’ve also embedded a video in case she wants to learn more about it, but for the rest of you, skip to the good stuff.

Okay, so what is Skillquest?

Skillquest is a start-up company trying to help teach people to code by creating AI bots, apps and plugins for video games that help develop their programming skills with the goal of helping promote a career in coding.

They have a number of offerings, but their most interesting course, in my opinion, is their Rocket League Bot Programming course, which is the focus of this competition. You’ll learn to code with a video course that teaches you every step of the way, from Hello World to programming an AI bot that controls the cars in Rocket League and eventually competing for the grand prize in the tournament. .

I was a programmer for years before I started How-To Geek, and I went through this entire course personally, it’s pretty cool stuff. Corbin teaches you the basics of programming by showing how each different operation can help your bot do different things. You don’t have to learn a bunch of boring stuff in advance, you learn as you go.

And can I win $2000?

That’s how it is. This is how it will work:

  • You have from the moment you buy the course until August 1 to program your bot.
  • The tournament will take place on August 2.
  • Some of the major broadcasters will broadcast the tournament on Twitch (names yet to be announced).
  • There will be weekly scrims so competitors can practice and learn from each other.
  • Competitors will have access to an online community of professional software engineers and bot builders to ask questions and get mentorship.

It’s also worth noting that Skillquest has what they call a “show your work guarantee” so if people don’t like the course after completing it, they’ll get their money back.

There are a limited number of places, so you should definitely sign up and check it out.

Participate in the SkillQuest $2000 Rocket League competition
