How to edit a PDF in Google Docs



With Google Docs editing tools, you can edit your PDF to add and remove text, images, graphics, and more. It then returns the resulting file to you as a PDF. We will show you how to use this service for PDF editing.

  1. Open Google Docs and click the folder icon followed by “Upload.”
  2. Click “Select a file from your device” and upload your PDF file.
  3. Click “Open in Google Docs” and make any changes you want.
  4. Save it back to your device by clicking File > Download > PDF Document.

When you upload your PDF to Google Docs, the service basically converts your file into an editable Doc file, where you can make your changes. When you’re done editing, download this Doc file as a PDF and you now have a personalized version of your original PDF file.

However, keep in mind that not all PDFs display well in Google Docs (especially those that contain a lot of special formatting). You may find that another method of editing your PDF works better.

Modify a PDF file in Google Docs

To begin the editing process, launch a web browser on your computer and open Google Docs. Sign in to your account if you haven’t already.

On the main Google Docs screen, in the top right corner of the document list, click “Open File Picker” (which is a folder icon).


In the “Open a file” window, at the top, click the “Upload” tab. Then in this tab choose “Select a file from your device”.

You will see your computer’s standard “open” window. Here, navigate to the folder where your PDF is located, then double-click the PDF to upload it to Docs.

Once your PDF is uploaded, you will see its preview. To make this PDF editable now, at the top of the Google Docs screen, click “Open with Google Docs.”


Docs will open a new browser tab with the editable version of your PDF. On this tab, make any changes you want to your file. Feel free to add and remove text, images, graphics, and anything else you want.

Edit the PDF with Google Docs.

When you’re done editing the file, save it back as a PDF by clicking File > Download > PDF Document on the Docs menu bar.

Select File > Download > PDF Document.” width=”650″ height=”370″ onerror=”this.onerror=null;pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);”/></p>
<p>Your computer’s standard “save as” window will open.  Here, choose the folder where you want to save your PDF, then click “Save”.</p>
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And that is. Your edited PDF file is now available in the chosen folder. Enjoy!

RELATED: How to edit a PDF
