How to fix Cloudflare error 1020: access denied




If you get an Error 1020 Access Denied message, that means the website’s firewall thinks your IP address is a threat. You can try accessing the website from a different browser, adjusting your browser settings, restarting your router, or toggling your VPN to fix a 1020 error.

It can be frustrating to see the “Error 1020: Access Denied” message appear on your screen when trying to access a website. Fortunately, there is usually an easy way to fix this error and get to these blocked websites and pages.

What Causes Cloudflare Error Code 1020?

Cloudflare is a service that offers website owners security and content delivery features. Part of those security features is a system to block access to websites from IP addresses that are considered potentially dangerous, malicious or spam.

1020 Access Denied is an error that commonly appears when Cloudflare perceives a threat associated with your IP address or when a firewall rule is violated. This may be because your IP address is part of a range of addresses that have been marked as a threat. It can also be due to incorrect browser settings.

cloudflare 1020 error message in google chrome

You will only experience the 1020 error on a Cloudflare protected website. And because Cloudflare is part of a website’s back-end system, it’s not something a website visitor like you can disable or configure.

However, there are several solutions you can try if you see this blocking your route error message when browsing online.

See other pages on the website

You may be seeing the error message because you are trying to access a page that the owner or administrator of the website has deliberately blocked.

Navigate to other pages on the same website to see if the error persists. If these other pages or areas on the same domain work as expected, it indicates a Cloudflare configuration issue.

If you get the same error no matter where you are on the website, the problem could be with your browser or IP address.

It is possible, but unlikely, that closing and restarting your browser will fix the problem. This is more likely to work if you’ve had the browser open and running for a long time, but test it to see if anything changes.

Error code 1020 can sometimes be caused by mismatched or corrupted website cookies. An easy way to check is to switch to a different internet browser and then try to access the website. If you use Chrome, for example, try Firefox or Safari (Apple devices only). If you’re already using one of those browsers, try installing Chrome or Edge.

If the error message no longer appears, it shows that the problem is with your main browser and not with your IP address or IP range. And that means you have several potential routes to fix the error yourself.

Over time, your browser’s cache can fill up with outdated files, image references, scripts, and more. Sometimes this can cause Cloudflare to identify your connection as untrusted. Therefore, clearing the browser’s cache might fix the 1020 error.

The exact method of clearing the cache varies from browser to browser. For more information, check out our guides on how to clear the cache in Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.

browser cache options in Microsoft Edge

Make sure cookies are allowed/enabled

As we have seen above, cookies are useful for more than just recording website visits. They are also essential for services like Cloudflare to allow access to a site or page. So if you have disabled or rejected cookies in your browser, try enabling them again to fix the 1020 error.

If you’re not sure how to do this, here’s how to enable cookies in Google Chrome or Firefox. The process is very similar to Chrome for all other modern browsers.

It’s also worth checking if the website you’re trying to visit has been added to a block list in the browser that prevents it from saving and reading cookies. You will find this list in the Cookies section of your browser settings.

Extensions you have added to your browser can occasionally interfere with the way cookies are handled or even make your browser appear unreliable to Cloudflare.

If the website has previously worked without problems, temporarily disable any new extensions you have added or activated. If you have never visited the blocked website before, try disabling all browser extensions. Please restart the browser and try to access the site.

Reboot your router

Rebooting your router may not be something you do very often, but it can often resolve simple network errors. Like your browser, your router uses a cache to speed up Internet connections. Sometimes the data in the router cache can get corrupted or broken. Restarting your router will clear the cache and may resolve the issue.

You can often reset your router through a companion app. If you don’t have this option, turn off the router at the wall outlet. Wait about 30 seconds before turning it back on. When it has restarted and your computer is connected, try to access the blocked website.

Disable or enable your VPN

If you’re browsing through a VPN, Cloudflare may block the IP address they’ve assigned to you. To test this, change your VPN settings to use a random IP address or temporarily disable your VPN software.

If you’re not using a VPN, try installing one to see if changing your IP address gets you past the Cloudflare 1020 error. Even premium VPN software will often allow a limited amount of free browsing. But if not, you can try our recommended free VPN service.

If all else fails, please contact the website administrator

If none of the above solutions have resolved the issue, try contacting the website administrator. Capture the 1020 error screen, copy down the error details, or at least make a note of the “Ray ID” code. This will help the owner locate your specific access attempt and hopefully fix the problem more quickly.

The website owner can check the security event log in the Cloudflare settings. If the IP address has been blocked by mistake, they can reset access permissions or change your firewall settings.
