How to hide a slide in Google Slides



To hide a slide, select it, and from the Google Slides menu bar, select Slide > Skip Slide. Show a slide by selecting the hidden slide, right-clicking, and choosing “Show Slide.” You can also prevent hidden slides from printing by editing the presentation print settings.

If you want to prevent a specific slide from appearing while presenting or printing your presentation, instead of deleting it, you can hide that slide in Google Slides. We’ll show you how to do just that.

When you hide a slide, the slide remains part of your presentation. Google Slides simply won’t show it when you present your presentation. You can also choose to skip your hidden slides when you’re printing your presentation.

You can hide multiple slides at once if you want. Later, you can show your slides with just a few clicks, as we’ll explain below.

Hide one or more slides in Google Slides

To start hiding slides, open your presentation in Google Slides.

In the left sidebar of the presentation (also called the filmstrip), select the slide to hide it. To select multiple slides, just as you would select multiple files, hold down Ctrl (Windows, Linux, Chromebook) or Command (Mac) on your keyboard and select your slides.

Choose a slide to hide in the left sidebar.

Advice: If you don’t see a left sidebar in your presentation, enable it by selecting View > Show Filmstrip from the Google Slides menu bar.

After selecting the slide, on the Google Slides menu bar, select Slide > Skip Slide. Alternatively, right-click on the selected slide and choose “Skip Slide” from the menu.

Skip slide in menu bar.” width=”650″ height=”339″ onload=”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);” onerror=”this.onerror=null;pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this); “>

On the hidden slide thumbnails in the left sidebar, you’ll see the icon of a line through an eye. This indicates that the slide from him was successfully hidden.

A hidden slide in Google Slides.

When you present your slideshow, you will find that the hidden slide does not appear.

Later, if you want to show your slide, choose your hidden slide in the left sidebar and choose Slide > Unskip Slide from the menu bar.

Alternatively, right-click your hidden slide and choose “Undo Slide” from the menu.

Choose "no jump slide" on the menu.

RELATED: How to Add and Remove Slide Numbers in Google Slides

Print your presentation without hidden slides

By default, when you print your presentation, Google Slides also includes your hidden slides. To prevent it from doing so, set an option as follows.

RELATED: How to Print a Google Slides Presentation

While your presentation is open, from the Google Slides menu bar, select File > Print Preview.


Print preview in the menu bar.” width=”650″ height=”399″ onload=”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);” onerror=”this.onerror=null;pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this );”>

On the next page, at the top, select “Include Skipped Slides.” It’s enabled by default, so clicking it will disable the option, excluding printing your hidden slide.

disable "Include Skipped Slides".

To print your presentation now, on the toolbar at the top, click “Print” on the far right.

select "To print" on top.

Use your web browser’s print dialog to print your presentation the way you want.

And this is how you prevent a specific slide from appearing in your Google Slides slideshow!

While you’re at it, learn some of the other useful features of Google Slides.

RELATED: 7 Google Slides Features for Eye-Catching Presentations
