We all know how delicious mango fruit is, but not everyone knows how to plant mango in stone or seed , since there are some important techniques for this process to be successful.

The mango tree is native to India , although today it has become very popular around the world thanks to its exquisite fruits that captivate many farmers.

A mango plant, in addition to providing very good shade, is easy to grow as it does not require special care.

Likewise, there are many varieties of mango that we can find today, so it is also common to see different kinds of bones; each with its own characteristics.

Therefore, depending on the fruits you want to obtain from your mango harvest, you should choose the variety that you like the most and take into consideration techniques such as mango grafting if you want to obtain unique results.It should be noted that this graft must be done from winter to early spring.

However, if we decide to do it in places where it rains frequently, it is important to protect the crop correctly, as this way we can prevent it from growing with diseases.

A mango plantation has a rapid growth rate, to the point that it is necessary to be careful so that it only grows to the dimensions that suit you.

Otherwise, you could face consequences such as the loss of plants in your garden.

In the same way, if you are thinking of planting a mango bone, you should know that it is a fairly affordable task.

To get started you will only need basic planting knowledge, your tools, some patience and your mango seed.

However, you should also bear in mind that to grow mango successfully the germination of its seed is important , and if you do not know how to do it we will teach you step by step.

So if you want to plant mangoes at home, we will tell you below all the techniques that you should consider for a successful cultivation.

After a couple of tips, you will realize that planting a potted mango tree has never been so easy . Let’s get started!


One of the most important techniques to obtain good fruit is the germination of the mango.

Because your seed quickly loses its ability to germinate, it is essential to do so within a week after extraction.

It is also important to note that the seed should only be extracted from perfectly ripe fruits.

First, we will have to clean the remains of fruit from the seed coat, put it to dry in a shady and ventilated place for 1 to 2 days.

To extract its seed we will have to wait until the bone (cover) is dry, because in this way we can easily remove it with the help of a razor or pruning scissors.

During this process we will have to act delicately, so that the seed does not suffer damage.

Later you should keep it in the ideal environment: A dark area, with a temperature of 15 ° C and with a cotton cover with distilled water; in this way, you will make it germinate quickly.

At the end of the stipulated period of time to germinate a mango seed, it will be time to start sowing it .


There is no secret technique that establishes how to plant mango, but there are different tips that can help you.

Next we will tell you in detail how to plant mango in the most effective way.

For mango planting, an extremely important factor must be considered: The height it can reach.

In this sense, a mango tree can grow up to 30 meters in height, even reaching a crown of up to 6 meters.

You can also adapt this plant to the height that suits you best with the necessary care.

Now, it is time to discover how to plant the mango.

It is a fairly simple task, regardless of whether your intentions are to grow mangoes at home or in any other space.

In general, small or medium pots can be used to sow a mango seed, depending on the size of the seed.

However, it will always have to be located as centrally as possible, so that it has enough space to grow.

To start you will have to place the convex part of the seed upwards and cover it lightly with the substrate that you have previously prepared.It should be noted that said substrate must be porous and have good drainage.

Likewise, it is advisable that it has a considerable level of organic matter to provide sufficient nutrients to your seed.

To do the best possible, the most recommended by specialists in this area is to use homemade compost.

You can also use worm castings , of which we have a specialized guide on how to use it and make it yourself.

You can prepare this homemade compost on your own, as you only need to include organic waste from your kitchen (such as vegetable and fruit shells) in a plastic container with a few cups of soil.

It is very important to stir the mixture daily before proceeding to plant.

The approximate time for your seed to start germinating will be between 2 to 3 weeks after sowing.

In case you have used a polyembryonic seed, you should know that several plants will grow simultaneously.

However, some time after germination you will have to leave only the one that looks better shaped. Although we will talk about this later.

In addition to this, it is important that if you do not know how to plant a mango bone, it is better that you do not do it until you learn.

This is because if it is done the wrong way, the plants are likely to be deformed and must be discarded.

In the event that we are in an area where the wind blows strongly and / or regularly, the best alternative is to place a tutor along its entire stem.

This way you can grow in a straight line without problems.



Most people recommend planting fruit trees in the warmer months, since this way the cold of winter will not drastically affect their growth and will not cause their death.

When it comes to planting a mango tree, the best time to do it will be during the spring. You can choose between the final days of February until even the month of May.

The best option will always be to place ourselves in the middle point, doing all this procedure during the first two weeks of March.

This way we will give our mango tree enough time to gain strength.

The waiting time for a mango plant to be strong enough is approximately 8 weeks ; after this period it will be able to withstand the onset of cold or too hot seasons.

On the other hand, the approximate time for your new mango plant to begin to bear fruit will be between 10 to 12 years, regardless of what type of seed you use to plant it.

Another of the most useful tips is that when you see that the pot that you used at the beginning is no longer large enough, it will be necessary to move it to a more suitable terrain and according to its size.

Likewise, when performing this procedure you will have to try to maintain the same type of fertilizer that it had during its germination and first weeks of growth.

In this way it will not cost you to adapt to the new terrain to which you have been transferred.


There is a wide variety of mangoes, and although some are more popular than others, it is very important that you know them before starting planting.

The first thing you should know is that there are in total two types of mango seeds that give rise to a wide variety.

The monoembryonic ones are the most commercialized, so the mangoes that we commonly find in greengrocers correspond to this type.

In addition, it is very easy to get this type of bones.

Monoembryonic seeds are characterized by having a single embryo originated by cross pollination, so they have the ability to combine the traits of both parents.

It should be noted that in these cases different specimens are produced from the tree from which they come.

There are also polyembryonic mango seeds, and as their name implies, they have multiple embryos.

One of these will be of sexual origin, while the others, coming from the maternal tissue, will become plants identical to the mother tree.

Of this last type of seed, 2 varieties of highly commercial mangoes stand out: Carabao and Manila.

In general, it is a seed a little more difficult to find than the previous one.

In another sense, two main varieties are derived from the types of seeds that we mentioned earlier:

  • Indian-type mango: It is a fairly commercial mono-embryonic variety, which is why it is also exported worldwide due to its good flavor and various shades. However, it is not very resistant to humidity, so it requires a cool climate to stay.
  • Philippine-type mango: This is a polyembryonic variety, which in addition to resisting excess moisture quite well, is also capable of withstanding pests much better. However, unlike the Indian-type mango, the fruit of this variety is more elongated and has less colorful colors.
  • Now, from the first two varieties, the rest of the most popular types of mango emerge, which we will talk about below:
  • Manila: It is a quite popular variety due to its fine pulp and thanks to which it is highly demanded in confectionery. The main characteristic of manila is its intense yellow color.
  • Haden: It is characterized by its bright red hue and its green skin with yellow hues and some white spots. Similarly, it offers a fairly sweet flavor and has a higher amount of fiber than the rest. This is an excellent option to consume in cold dishes or salads.
  • Champagne: Although its shape and tones are very similar to manila, this variety has a thicker skin and a less delicate flavor, so it is best to consume it ripe. Besides, thanks to its firmness it is perfect for sauces, salty dishes, and preserves.
  • Ataúlfo: It is popular for its smooth texture and firm pulp, making it ideal for slicing. Its color is yellow, it has an oval shape and it is small in size.
  • Kent: It is one of the most consumed types of mango due to its exquisite and sweet flavor. Also, it contains low levels of fiber, is quite juicy, and weighs about 470 grams. Its shape is oval and has an intense red hue.
  • Keitt: It is a fairly commercialized type due to its variety of flavors: They can be sweet and sometimes offer a very exquisite slight acid touch. Its main characteristic is its firm and very nutritious pulp.
  • Tommy Atkins: It has excellent fiber content and its delicious subtle flavor that makes it an excellent complement to long-cooked or canned dishes. It is possible to distinguish them thanks to their intense red color.
  • Apple: It is characterized by being quite juicy, although with a good acid touch that distinguishes it from many varieties. Its weight is around 350 grams.
  • Irwin: Its main advantage is how juicy it is and the abundant pulp it has. Likewise, it is a variety with low fiber content and can weigh between 250 grams and 500 grams.
  • Manga rosa: This interesting variety comes from Brazil and is known in many places worldwide for the subtle acid touch it offers and a large amount of juice in its pulp.
  • Carabao: It is a type of mango that comes from the Philippines and has an approximate weight of 300 grams. It has a high level of fiber, a fairly juicy pulp, and is usually a bit acidic.


As we mentioned at the beginning, the mango plant does not require strict care.

Although it is necessary to take into account some basic and simple tips to ensure that the planting and cultivation process is successful.

The most important aspect of all is to provide it with the amount of water necessary for its growth.

Remember that it is not about flooding the pot so that the plant ends up drowning, but about adding progressively as required.

However, if you decide not to use a planter, you should pay attention to the area where you will plant your mango tree, as it should not be prone to flooding.

In this sense, the best thing to do to properly care for and provide the vital liquid to your plant is to moisten the soil in the morning .

It is best to do it during the first hours because in this way the humidity can persist even after mid-morning and will evaporate as the sun heats.

The most advisable amount of water is around 250 milliliters, which you will have to add at the base of the stem so that it is absorbed directly by your mango plant.

Try to water your plant as long as its soil is not damp. One of our recommendations is to repeat the watering every 2 weeks.

When the tree begins to bloom, it is necessary to control the irrigation, as a high amount of water will help to make the plant grow, but it will not contribute too much for its flowers to grow.

When you collect the firstfruits, you will have to stop watering for about two months, in this way you will allow the land to rest to provide a new harvest.

To achieve good mango cultivation you must place your plant in a space where it receives the sun’s rays correctly and that is well ventilated.

In case of sowing it in a desert place it would need a minimum of protection against the sun.

Likewise, if instead of planting it outdoors, we choose to do it in greenhouses, it is essential that they have good ventilation, otherwise our crop may present many diseases.

Although it may seem curious to many, it is necessary that you provide vitamins to your mango plant.

The vitamin complexes that you will need can be easily found in nurseries

These will contribute greatly to the strengthening of the roots and leaves, thus helping during their growth.

You must limit yourself exclusively to the indications of the gardener because not all these substances must be added daily to the soil.

The specialist will be in charge of explaining to you how you will provide the different vitamins to your mango tree and according to what period of time.

mango plant


Although there are other pests that affect mango trees, one of the most popular and feared is anthracnose , which is capable of attacking the most visible areas of the plant.

It can be identified because it produces brown spots on the leaves , as well as causes the fruits or leaves to fall.

In addition, we can also find other important pests such as:

  • The dry: It is capable of turning the leaves of the mango tree yellow, progressively weakening them.
  • Bacterial stain: This not only weakens the leaves but turns them black and is even capable of deforming the fruits.
  • Scab: It is highly harmful to the fruits, as it produces important cracks that damage their texture.

Apart from those that directly affect mango trees, we can find pests capable of directly damaging their fruits. The most popular is the fruit fly, which is responsible for laying eggs inside the mango to finally spoil it. In these cases, the fruit that is affected by this fly must be eliminated immediately before it damages the rest. Lastly, other of the most common mango pests are mango sawmill, black aphid, and white mango scale.

But you don’t have to worry about these threats, as there are many alternatives that can help you avoid them.

One of the measures that you must abide by is to avoid flooding the land or pot where you have planted your tree.This can lead to many serious illnesses!

You will have to avoid using those fertilizers or vitamins with high nitrogen content since they are capable of accelerating the growth of new tissues that will immediately attract the well-known white mealybug and other pests.

Remember to also clean the sheets regularly in case you start to notice the appearance of small white spots.

This measure is essential since it may be the beginning of a plague that sooner or later will seriously affect your plant.

However, in case these spots begin to increase and proliferate in almost the entire tree, the best option will be to cut those leaves that are affected and constantly maintain perfect hygiene in the rest.

Now that you have learned what the process of growing a mango tree is like, you have surely realized that it is not just about moving a plant from one place to another.

Do not forget that before deciding to plant mangoes, you must take into account factors such as the correct season for planting, the type of fertilizer you must use, the measures to be used to avoid pests and even the cleaning and supervision of the tree.

Remember that the success of your harvest will depend exclusively on the love and care that you dedicate to it, as this will guarantee its strength and the excellent fruits it will be able to bear.

Leave us all your impressions or doubts about how to plant mango in bone or seed in the comments! We will be happy to help you!

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