How to print Google Slides with notes



To print your Google Slides presentation with speaker notes, start your presentation, select File > Print Preview, click “1 slide without notes,” change the option to “1 slide with notes,” and select “Print” . You can then print or save your slideshow as a PDF.

Do you want to practice your presentation offline? Or maybe you need to share your presentation notes with your audience? Either way, Google Slides allows you to print your presentations with the speaker notes included. We’ll show you how to do it or just save it as a PDF file to share.

RELATED: How to use speaker notes in Google Slides

Print to Google Slides with speaker notes

When you print your presentation with notes included, Slides prints one slide on each page with your notes.

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To do that, first, open your preferred web browser and go to Google Slides. Sign in to your account on the site, then start your presentation.

On the splash screen, on the Google Slides menu bar, select File > Print Preview.

You will see the print preview of your presentation. On this page, in the toolbar at the top, click on “1 slide without notes” and choose “1 slide with notes”.

Choose "1 slide with notes".

The slides will update your print preview, allowing you to see the new preview that includes your speaker notes. If you’re happy with how it looks, on the toolbar at the top, click “Print.”

Choose "Print" on top.

Your web browser’s standard print window will open. Here, select your printer and other options like which pages to print, the number of copies to print, etc.

If you want to save your presentation as a PDF to attach to an email or print with a different device, select your PDF printer from the printer menu. In Google Chrome, this printer is labeled “Save as PDF”.

Then, at the bottom of the print window, click “Print” to start printing your presentation (you’ll click “Save” if you chose to save your slides as a PDF file).

Set print options and select "Print" on the bottom.

And that is. You now have a physical copy (or PDF) of your presentation with the speaker notes included. Take a look at other useful Google Slides features to get the most out of this free service.
