How to sort google spreadsheets by date



Google Sheets allows you to sort your spreadsheets as well as the content of those spreadsheets by date. You can use the built-in features of Sheets to do this, and we’ll show you how.

Sort your data by date in Google Sheets

To sort a data set in your spreadsheet using the date column, use the Google Sheets sort range options.

First, in your spreadsheet, select the entire data set you want to sort by. Include the column headers in your selection, but exclude the index column if you have one. If you select the index column, the numbers in that column will be mixed up when you sort them.

Select the data set.

While your dataset is highlighted, on the Google Sheets menu bar, click Data > Rank Rank > Advanced Rank Rank Options.

Choose Data > Rank Rank > Advanced Rank Rank Options.” width=”650″ height=”248″ onload=”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);” onerror=”this.onerror=null;pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);”/></p>
<p>In the window that opens, enable “Data has header row”.  Click the “Sort By” dropdown menu and choose your date column.</p>
<p>Then, to sort your date in ascending order, click on the “A>Z” option.  Similarly, to sort the date in descending order, select “Z > A”.</p>
<p>After that, click the “Order” button.</p>
<p><img decoding=

Your dataset is now sorted by date, as you can see for yourself.

Dataset sorted by date in Google Sheets.

And that’s how you read your data by date in your Google Sheets spreadsheets. Very useful!

RELATED: How to change the default date format in Google Sheets

Sort your spreadsheets by date in Google Sheets

If you want to sort your spreadsheets by date on the main Sheets screen, use the sort option available on that page.

To use it, first launch a web browser on your computer and open Google Sheets. Sign in to your account if you haven’t already.

On the screen that lists your spreadsheets, in the top right corner of the list, click “Sort Options” (an icon that shows A > Z).

Select "Sorting Options" in the upper right corner.

In the sort menu, you have several sort options to choose from:

  • last opened by me: This option keeps the last open spreadsheet on top.
  • last modified by me: To sort your spreadsheets by when you last modified them, use this option.
  • Last modification: This puts your last modified spreadsheet (modified by anyone) at the top.
  • Title: Use this option to sort your spreadsheets by their titles.

Choose a sort option.

Once you select an option, Google Sheets will sort and display your spreadsheets accordingly, and you’re all set.

Sheets also has other sorting options that you might want to use.

RELATED: How to sort in google sheets
