How to split screen on Android




By virtually splitting your Android phone screen, you can work with two apps at the same time. The first app occupies the top half of the screen and the second app occupies the bottom half. We will show you how to use this productive feature on your device.

You may want to use this feature to view information in one application and enter it in another, compare two images, and perform other related tasks. Please note that the steps in this guide will vary slightly for you, depending on your phone model.

RELATED: How (and why) to clone apps on Android

Use two apps simultaneously by splitting android screen

To start split screen, launch the two apps you want to use in this mode on your Android phone.

Open the recent apps menu by pressing the Recents button on your phone. This is the menu you use to switch between apps and close apps.

Press or tap the Recents button.

In the “Recent” menu, touch and hold your first app. Then choose “Split Screen”.

Choose "split screen".

Your first app now covers the top of your screen. Now in your list of apps choose your second app.

Select the second app.

Your second app is now added, covering the bottom half of the screen.

Now that both apps are open, you can use them as if they were running individually. You can tap an option in one app, choose an item in the second app, and so on.

Two apps open on one screen in Android.

To exit split view mode, drag the black bar that appears between your apps to the app you want to close. For example, to close the app that covers the bottom half of the screen, drag the black bar down.

Note: Android keeps your app running even if you’ve removed it from split view mode. You will have to close the app manually.

Drag the black bar onto the app to close it.

And that’s how you multitask on your Android phone by bringing your favorite apps to a single screen. Extremely useful!

Did you know that you can access Street View in a split screen mode built into Google Maps?

RELATED: How to use Google Maps Street View in split screen on Android
