Screenshot is a useful feature on both phones and computers. My friends and I always use it. I suppose that you too.
However, I have found that most people take pictures of their screens on their mobile devices, and some don’t even know how to do it on a PC.
Don’t worry if you are one of them, as I am here to explain exactly that to you.
I’ll specifically show you how to take a screenshot on a Dell laptop; however, the process is the same for any PC. So if you have a different computer, this article will still be useful.
Let’s start?
How to take a screenshot a dell laptop?
I will walk you through the different screenshot methods. The Print Screen button on your laptop is very important as it makes things quick and easy.
Let’s start with what you can do with it:
Using the Print Screen button (Prt Sc).
The Print Screen key is located on the top row of the keyboard. The key usually has Prt Sc as its label, however you can also find it as PrintScreen, PrntScrn, PrntScr, PrtScn, PrtScr, PrtSc or other similar abbreviations.
The button can be used alone or in combination with other keys to produce similar but different results, such as:
To take a full screen capture on your Dell PC, press the PrtSc button. However, it only saves to the clipboard. To save it as a file, you must first paste it into a photo editing or graphic design software.
This is the easiest way to do it with MS Paint:
- Find the PrtScn key on your keyboard and press it.
- Open Microsoft Paint by clicking Start and Search.
- After opening the app, paste the screenshot from the clipboard by right clicking and pressing Paste or using CTRL+V. You can also edit the image from here.
- Click Save to copy the image to your device.
If you use this method to take a screenshot on a Dell PC, the device will save it to the clipboard and to a Screenshots folder.
You can find this folder in the This PC section in File Explorer.
Here are the steps:
- press the Windows key + print combination on the keyboard. The screen will go blank for a second, indicating that you have captured the screenshot.
- to press Windows key + E on the keyboard to open File Explorer.
- Follow these steps: This PC → Pictures → Screenshots.
This key combination will allow you to take a screenshot on a single active window Dell desktop. This means that the image is just of the open window without showing the background.
The screenshot will be saved to the clipboard when you press this key combination.
The steps are just as easy to follow as the previous ones.
- to press Alt + print on your keyboard.
- Click Start and search for Microsoft Paint.
- Paste the screenshot near right click + paste either CTRL+V. Edit and adjust the canvas as needed.
- Click Save to copy the image to a folder of your choice.
These are the ways you can use the Print Screen button.
Now let me introduce another method.
With the crop tool
This section explains how to take a photo on a Dell laptop using the Windows capture tool.
It is a built-in tool that allows you to customize the screenshot area. You can also change it later.
- Find the snipping tool in the Start menu and open it.
- Once uploaded, click New.
- Select the area you want to capture by clicking and dragging. Then release the mouse button.
- You can edit the screenshot with the provided tools.
- Click the three dots in the top right corner and click Save (or press CTRL + S).
- Save the screenshot to a folder of your choice.
the game bar
Gamers probably already know this, but they know that the game bar is also used to take screenshots and screen recordings.
Therefore, you can also use this tool to take a screenshot on a Dell computer:
- press the Windows key + G combination to open the game bar.
- Click on the camera icon in the menu overlay. In this way, you will capture a photo of the entire screen.
- Go to Video → Capture to access the screenshots you have captured.
How to take a screenshot if the keyboard has no print key?
If you’ve been looking around your keyboard in confusion, wondering where the PrtScn key is, you may have a device that doesn’t have one. That’s fine, there’s still a way.
To take a screenshot, you must first find the Function or Fn key.
Once you have located it, press the following combination of buttons:
Fn key + Windows key + space bar
In most cases, this will require a screenshot, in the same way as the Print Screen key.
What to do if none of the above works?
If you are trying to take a screenshot on your Dell by pressing the above key combinations but still nothing happens.
And now?
The most common reason this happens is that another function is assigned to the PrtScn key. The Ready and Print Screen functions can usually be accessed through the same key on Dell laptops that have an Fn button.
In this case, you should use the following combination:
Fn key + Prt Sc key
The process remains the same, regardless of what functions the Prt Sc key is coupled with.
If you’re trying to take a screenshot on a Dell desktop, but the above methods still don’t work, there’s one more thing you can try.
Just install a screenshot program.
They usually come with a lot of editing tools and may even have a screen recording option.
To wrap
That’s all folks.
You now know how to take a screenshot on a Dell laptop or desktop. These methods apply to all types of computers, so don’t be shy and give them a try!
Finally, it is better not to accumulate screenshots, as they can reduce disk space and slow down the machine.
I mean, I know I tend to stick with a lot of unnecessary ones.