How to trim and cut videos on your Android device



Andrey_Popov /

A smartphone in your pocket all the time makes it easy to shoot impressive videos. Historically, editing those videos on your Android phone hasn’t been that easy, but not anymore. We’ll show you how.

Like many things in the Android world, you have many options for editing videos. For most people, the best option is the one that is already installed on your device. Google Photos is a popular app that has video editing capabilities, just like Samsung’s Stock Gallery app. We will cover both.

How to crop videos with Google Photos

Google Photos comes pre-installed on many Android devices. If you don’t have it yet, you can easily install it from the Google Play Store.

To get started, open the app and select the video you want to trim or cut.

Select on screen.

Tap the video to bring up the controls and tap the “Edit” icon.

Touch the edit button.

You will be greeted with a timeline view of the video with handles at both ends. Drag the handles to adjust the length of the video. Google Photos does not support removing parts of the middle of the video.

Crop the video with handles.

When you’re happy with your edits, tap “Save Copy” to apply your changes.


That’s all about it! The original video remains in its original, unedited state.

How to Crop Videos with Samsung Gallery

Samsung Galaxy devices have a stock “Gallery” app with some surprisingly good editing tools. Find the app on your home screen or app drawer and open it.

open the app

Find the video you want to edit and select it.

Select on screen.

Tap the pencil icon in the bottom bar to open the editing tools.

You will see a timeline view of the video with controllers at both ends. Use your finger to drag the handles to adjust the length of the video. Samsung Gallery cannot remove parts of the middle of the video.

Use the handles to trim.

When you’re done, tap “Save” at the top right to overwrite the video, or select “Save as Copy” from the three-dot menu at the bottom right.


Are you ready! Both methods are super easy to use and save you from needing a more advanced application. If you want to do more serious editing, you’ll probably want to use a computer.

RELATED: The best video editors for Android
