How to turn off alarms on your phone



Andrey_Popov /

On Android, you can delete alarms in the Google Clock app, the Samsung Clock app, or any alarm app you use on your phone. On iPhone, you can also remove alarms from the Clock app. Tap the “Alarm” icon and use the Edit option or swipe left on an alarm to remove it.

Want to make sure your phone alarm doesn’t interrupt your sleep? Turn off your alarms or delete them! Here we will show you how to do it on both iPhone and Android.

RELATED: How to delete or disable all alarms on your iPhone

Disable or remove alarms on Android

The way you disable alarms on Android varies depending on the phone model you have. Here, we will cover the steps for Google Clock app and Samsung Clock app.

Disable alarms in the Google Clock app

If your phone uses the official Google Clock app, launch that app on your phone. On the bottom bar of the app, tap “Alarm”.

Select "Alarm" on the bottom.

On the “Alarm” page, find the alarm to turn off. Then in the bottom right corner of that alarm, turn off the switch.

Turn off the toggle for an alarm.

The switch is now grayed out, indicating that the alarm is disabled.

Alarm off in Google Clock app.

If you want to delete an alarm, touch that alarm in the list. Then, in the expanded menu, choose “Delete”.

touch "Remove" on the menu.

Your chosen alarm is no longer in your Clock app.

Turn off alarms in the Samsung Clock app

To turn off alarms on a Samsung phone, launch your phone’s Stock Clock app. On the bottom bar of the app, tap “Alarm”.

choose "Alarm" on the bottom.

On the next page, next to the alarm you want to turn off, turn off the toggle. Your alarm is now off.

Turn off the alarm switch.

To remove an alarm, tap the three dots at the top of the alarm list. Choose “Edit”.

Select "Edit" on the menu.

You can now select the alarm(s) to delete. Tap the circular icon next to an alarm to select it.

Once you’ve chosen your alarm(s) to delete, at the bottom, tap “Delete.”

Select an alarm and touch "Remove".

Note: If you turn off an alarm, you can turn it back on whenever you want. However, if you choose to delete an alarm, you will have to recreate that alarm to use it again.

Disable or remove alarms on iPhone

Disabling alarms on your iPhone is also easy. To get started, launch the Clock app on your iPhone.

In the bottom bar of the Clock app, tap “Alarm”.

Select "Alarm" in the bottom bar.

On the “Alarm” page, next to the alarm you want to turn off, turn off the switch.

Turn off the toggle for an alarm.

To delete an alarm, tap “Edit” in the upper left corner of your screen.

Select "Edit" in the top left-hand corner.

Tap the “-” (minus) sign next to the alarm you want to delete. Then choose “Delete”.

When you’re done, in the top left corner of your screen, select “Done.”

Select "-" and choose "Remove".

And that is. Your phone alarms will no longer disturb your rest. Sweet Dreams!

Did you know that you can turn on the lights with the alarm on your phone? Take a look at our guide to find out how.

RELATED: How to turn on the lights with your alarm
