How You Can Get Banned As A Twitch Spectator



Konstantin Savusia /

Love to watch and chat with your favorite streamers on Twitch? Well, if you’re not careful, you can get a temporary or permanent channel ban from a streamer. This is what it takes to get banned as a spectator.

What happens if you are banned?

Being banned from a Twitch channel will take away your privileges to view and participate in chat. You will also not see the channel again in your next list.

You will not be able to send direct messages to the streamer, re-follow, host, or gift subscriptions to other viewers. When you’re banned, you’re essentially a ghost who can only watch the stream but can’t interact in any way.

Streamers can keep you banned for as long as they want. You will need to submit a request to be unbanned from the channel. The streamer or moderators will review your request and you will then be notified whether or not your request was approved. The streamer can set a cooldown duration for his ban, which means he will have to wait before he can send a request.

Don’t do any of the following to avoid being banned from your favorite Twitch channels. There is also no point in trying to create another account because the bans generally apply to IP addresses.

Go for a banned username

Twitch has a simple set of rules for usernames. You may not name yourself using sexual references, profanity, violence, and racial or ethnic slurs.

Your username may also not refer to recreational drugs, but there are exceptions for legal substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. You should also not choose a username that is too similar to someone else’s name. It can be considered a phishing attempt, which could also lead to a ban.

If a Twitch streamer sees that you are using a banned username, they can report it to Twitch and quickly ban your account. To play it safe, choose a simple username.

Use of inappropriate language

One of the most common reasons viewers are banned from Twitch channels is due to the use of inappropriate language. This includes insults, sexual comments, harassment and racism.

Even if you’re just joking with others in chat, it’s best to avoid using any language that could be considered offensive. Many streamers do not tolerate language that is too offensive because it makes their channel unwelcoming to other viewers. It’s what many people in the Twitch community call a “toxic community.”

This doesn’t mean you can’t swear. In fact, many steamers don’t care if you use profanity. It all comes down to how you are using the language. If you are too offensive or harass others, you are more likely to get banned.

There are also many words you can’t say on twitch, including offensive and discriminatory words related to religion, politics, ethnicity or race, homophobia, and gender. Some words included that you might not expect are “incel” and “simp”. All in all, just be nice and respectful to everyone and you’ll be fine.

RELATED: How to filter offensive comments on Instagram


Another reason you can get banned from a channel is spam. This includes posting the same message over and over, writing in all caps, using too many emojis, or sending too many links.

Many of these activities are considered disruptive to chat and can be annoying to other viewers and the streamer. Depending on what you’re spamming, it can also be considered a form of harassment, so be careful.

If you feel the need to share your emotion, try to do so in moderation. One or two lowercase exclamation marks will suffice. And if you’re posting links, make sure they’re relevant to the current channel or discussion. Submission of inappropriate things will be seen by the channel moderators. If they find something that is considered spam or goes against the guidelines, you will be banned.

Carrying out or promoting illegal activities

Twitch has a zero tolerance policy for any form of violence or threat. This includes threatening others, displaying graphic violence, and promoting physical and non-physical violence.

This includes hacking or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. You also may not attempt or threaten to SWAT someone, who calls the police to falsely report an incident at someone else’s address. When it comes to drugs and sexual content, just use your common sense. If you try to promote illegal activities, such as the use of illicit drugs or scams, you will be banned. The same goes for sexually explicit content.

Following these guidelines is quite simple. Treat it like real life: If something you’re about to do or say would get you in trouble with the law, don’t do it on Twitch either.
