I’m ready to totally survive off the grid, how about you? – Review Geeks



Pavel Chagochkin/Shutterstock.com

You will need several essential items to survive off the grid or during the apocalypse. Whether you’re prepared for doomsday or want some tech gadgets during an emergency, here are a few things I’ve got.

Having a good “go bag” and some survival gear (and tools) is a good idea in general, but I could ramble on about that for hours, and that’s a story for another day. And no, not everyone wants to hoard supplies, haphazardly buy gear, or save emergency food, but modern technological gadgets can give you several options when needed.

While I won’t go over all the gear I have ready and waiting, here are a few things everyone should have at home. That way, you’ll be better prepared to survive off the grid or handle a natural disaster.

Portable power on demand

Anker PowerHouse 757 Portable Battery Charging
Cory Gunther/Review Geek

Access to power on demand is important during an emergency or natural disaster. You’ll want a way to recharge devices to keep in touch with friends or family, keep the lights on, or even turn on a heater to stay warm.

And while portable battery packs are great and have a number of uses, I’m talking about a larger portable power station or electrical generator. The Anker 757 PowerHouse packs 1500W of power and 13 ports to charge or run anything and everything. It’s a great item to have around the house.

Most portable power stations are about the size of a small refrigerator, have tons of ports, and store enough power to charge smartphones for weeks, power a heating blanket, keep the lights on, or turn on an emergency radio to listen to later. of civilization. falls apart

You might be wondering what good a smartphone would be in the unlikely event of an apocalypse, but they still have uses. Take advantage of the flashlight and use it to record time, days, weeks or months. Also, during the initial stages of a natural disaster, you can use Google or Apple Maps for GPS navigation, even without cell service, not to mention the compass app.

I have several different power stations, from highly portable 500W models to options that deliver over 2400W of power. You’ll want one if you need to spend a winter weekend without power. And if the emergency lasts longer, you can recharge it with the sun. Here are some power plant options.

An endless supply of energy (solar panels)

Jackery battery and portable solar panels

Having on-demand power is invaluable during a power outage, natural disaster, or emergency, but it only lasts so long before you run out of juice. If the power is out for days or weeks at a time, you’ll need another way to keep your lights on and devices running.

The easiest way to do this is with a portable solar panel charger. These panels come in all shapes and sizes, and if you have a big enough one (or several), it can quickly recharge a massive power station and then run your household essentials for weeks.

For example, I have the Anker 625 (100W) Portable Solar Panels, which can recharge a phone, flashlight, battery, or larger power station. It comes with an adapter so you can pair more than one panel and then recharge large items faster. And since most brands use the same plug, I can combine my Jackety, EcoFlow, and Anker solar panels in a parallel chain and easily recharge anything.

Transport when there is no gasoline

Super73 RX Mojave electric bike.
Cory Gunther/Review Geek

If society really goes into a tailspin, there will be a shortage of gasoline, food supplies, and things of that nature. Eventually, cars won’t be as useful, and if you live off the grid, a gas station could be hours away. You’ll still want some form of transportation, and that’s where an electric bike could come in handy.

Obviously, a normal pedal bike (or horse) is a great tool for the apocalypse and never needs to be recharged. Still, with so many e-bike options available, like my full-suspension fat-tire Super73-RX pictured above, you might as well take advantage of the latest technology.

E-bikes are fast and easy to ride, can help you conserve energy, and most come with luggage racks, making them ideal for transportation. Many of them go 50-60+ miles per charge, so every few days, you can top it up with that aforementioned portable power station.

And with an off-road capable fat tire bike like the Super73 or Volcon Brat, you can pull off the paved roads and still look good. I’m not talking about outrunning the zombies, but you’ll want to be able to cruise off the grid with more than just a bike designed just for riding on paved roads.

Waterproof backpack

Camouflage waterproof backpack.

You’ve probably heard the term “go bag” or “go bag.” They are an absolutely fantastic item that everyone should have. A backpack filled with essentials for starting a fire, self defense, MREs (meals ready to eat), an emergency blanket, or healing an injury with a first aid kit.

Again, I could go on and on about some of the things I have in my travel bag, but everyone is different with their wants, needs, preferences, or ideas. What’s important to my bag might not be to you. However, we can all agree that a good waterproof backpack is highly recommended. Something that can store enough gear to last a weekend or an entire week, all while keeping the contents organized and dry. Here are some great options from our sister site LifeSavvy.

Some other random items

BioLite Camp Stove and Charger

You can find off-grid survival gear or supplies everywhere if you know where to look. And thanks to technology, there are all kinds of useful items that not everyone thinks of. For example, the BioLite Camp Stove runs on just a little wood, which you can use to boil water, and it will also recharge your phone or an emergency flashlight. It’s not the fastest charger, but every little bit counts.

I also have a collapsible solar lantern that gives me light anywhere, even when the power goes out. It’s small enough to fit in my travel bag, but expands to fill a room or tent with light. It has a USB-A port for charging other devices, but it’s best to use it primarily as a light source.

And we can’t forget the fire. It will keep you warm, keep animals away, and allow you to safely boil water or cook dinner. I can start a fire anywhere without tools, thanks to a bit of training during my younger years, but not everyone has that skill set. However, you can buy a USB-C rechargeable electric lighter that will never run out of fuel or butane. Charge it with the stove above, a solar panel, or your battery bank, and you can start a fire in seconds.

It’s also a good idea to have an emergency radio, and if you’ve ever seen The Walking Dead, you know what I’m talking about. A good emergency radio can be battery-operated, coiled, or have a rechargeable battery that you can supplement with a portable power station. Here are three great radios for all you naysayers out there.

If the apocalypse happened, I’d be ready (other non-tech items)

Anker 767 portable power station, tent and cooler.
Cory Gunther/Review Geek

Of course, technology isn’t everything, and being as prepared as possible is never a bad idea. In addition to portable battery packs, solar chargers, electric bikes, a portable car jump starter, or an electric grill, I also pack everyday items.

And yes, I have the necessary equipment to defend myself and hunt as needed, whether it’s something with a sword or bullets. However, this post is more about general technology and valuable articles for waiting out an emergency or temporarily living off the grid.

I have a lighter and several tents (although I prefer my hammock). My Toyota truck will run forever as long as I can find gas and oil. I have MRE, first aid kits, compass, rope and other rigging, signal mirrors, fishing gear, and a solar blanket. Don’t forget a rechargeable flashlight and headlamp, a LifeStraw water bottle with a built-in filter, and the like.

Some will call this overkill, while others won’t think I have enough. Again, I didn’t cover everything I have, but here are some helpful items to get you off to a good start. At the end of the day, I trust the equipment I own, my training or skills, and all of these gadgets are just extra luxuries worth using in any way possible.

Life Straw Go Water Filter Bottle

Safe drinking water is vital. LifeStraw has a built-in (and replaceable) filter that removes 99.99% of waterborne bacteria and parasites. I have several, and you should too.
