the world of reader It has been one of the most impacted by technological advances. The use of mobile devices with the capacity to store formats pdf either epubsuch as: cell phones, tablets or laptops; It has allowed the reader to enjoy a greater time and availability, a greater variety of titles and genres, wherever and whenever they want.
The ease of carrying your favorite book or the most outstanding of the moment, without carrying more weight or uncomfortable bulk, displayed on the screen of your mobile, is infinite.
In Lectulandiaunderstood this benefit of technology and helped him a little more, by creating his web portal, in which he makes available to his subscribers a stock of free ebooks. Not only for the power of distribution and reach to the readers of thousands of titles, but also for its contribution to environmental sustainability.
If you want to be part of this novelty in the digital world, then we will tell you how easy and practical it is to download books in Lectulandia.
Alternative to Lectulandia
In view of some complaints about the site in question, we recommend visiting epublibre.org one of the most recommended alternatives by our readers.
What is readingland?
Lectulandia is a dream come true for fans of reading and, of course, for their favorite writers. Well, it is a online library of digital books, with more than 35,000 titles, from more than 13,000 authors, distributed among more than 85 genres and formats, all available for free download.
If you have a mobile device, they will all be at your fingertips, or if that is the case on your computer, just by registering your account on their portal, in an easy and simple procedure.
Its easy-to-navigate interface takes you directly to the interest of the reader, by directly displaying the covers, titles and accompanied by the first lines of the synopsis about the book, ordered according to:
- The latest news
- The most read of the week
- The most read of the month
- most commented
You can also search and select through a menu that organizes the search by authors, genres and series, aided by an alphabetical directory. Or simply type the author’s name or book title in the search field.
How to register?
It really is very simple to download free online books, through Lectulandia, in two simple steps and an email confirmation you will be registered and with the online library at your disposal.
- Open the link https://www.lectulandia.co in the browser of your choice. Go to the top right corner and select Get into.
- Select the option at the bottom that states: Check in.
- Immediately, an interface will be displayed where you must enter your username, email and select Register. With which they will send you an email with a verification link.
- Open your email and select the link, it will redirect you to an external Lectulandia page to configure your password.
Once the password is restored, select the button or word Access. Then you put your username or email address and that’s it, you can now enter Lectulandia.
How to download eBooks?
Once we have finished the registration you will be able to navigate between covers, titles and authors, either through the directory in alphabetical order or by selecting the corresponding tab.
Similarly, you can write the name of the author or title in the search field in the upper right corner. Then it will show you the search result with the related titles.
You can also search in the sections: the latest news, the most read of the week, the most read of the month, the most commented.
You select the cover of your choice and immediately you will be able to read a synopsis of it, along with the file download options, highlighted with the blue buttons.
Lectulandia offers the download of digital books in two popular formats: PDF and EPUB. Both can be read or played on multiple devices.
- PDF, is the portable document format, created by Adobe, it is used to present and exchange documents reliably, it can be viewed on any software, hardware or operating system; they are also easily viewed with the free Acrobat Reader DC software.
- EPUB either ePub, is the free format (Electronic publication), open source resizable to read texts and images, it can also be displayed on any software, hardware or operating system.
You choose the format of your preference and which you have the reader device and from there you will be redirected to an external page. Wait a few seconds for the page to load completely and select the blue button that says DOWNLOAD NOW.
And ready! You already have access to more than 35,000 digital books, arranged on your cell phone, tablet, laptop or PC, to enjoy reading whenever and wherever you want.
How to read an eBook?
The ebook is defined as the electronic or digital evolution of a book. We can access it, in a PDF or EPUB format, as detailed above. But to read or play it there is a wide variety of software, including special devices for them.
The sources of the eBooks are also varied, we can get them for free on pages like Lectulandia, or maybe you buy them exclusively in a bookstore or in an online store. If you are very assiduous in reading, they may even give it to you in quantities. Being able to download them, store them and enjoy them with an Internet connection or offline, since it can be seen online, downloaded from a server or synchronized from a cloud.
Devices for reading eBooks.
Reading eBooks can be enjoyed from the following devices:
- A desktop computer (PC) or laptop. This requires installing eBook reader or player programs, such as Adobe Digital Editions (ADE), which can decrypt PDF or ePub format. For Macs, you can get software from various stores, communities, and publishers found in the App Store.
- Through the browser (browser). This is what we call online consumption. When the work or digital book is in HTML or ePub formats, they can be readable thanks to add-ons such as: Readk.it, or EPUBReader in Firefox or the Readium or Magic Scroll extension in Chrome.
- Mobile devices: tablets and smartphones. Perhaps, it is currently the most used way of reading an ebook on the screen. Thanks to their versatility and portability, mobile devices have greatly facilitated the passion for digital reading. As with computers, the mobile device must have an app, which allows the playback or reading of the ebook.
Even some devices such as have built-in pico projector that allows you to project the screen on a wall.
Depending on the operating system of the device you can use:
- iOS (iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch): Marvin, Bluefire Reader, MegaReader.
- Android: Moon+ Reader, Prestigio, Manga Rock (comic), PerfectViewer (comic and images).
- Windows Phone: Nokia Lecture.
- e-book readers. They are electronic devices smaller in size and lighter than a tablet, between 100 and 500 grams and with an electronic ink screen (e-ink) that emulates paper and does not tire the eyes, as they lack backlighting. It comes with a predefined reading app integrated, which is usually already associated with a digital bookstore. Among the best known eReaders we can mention: Kindle, Kobo, Papyrus, bq, Nook, Tolino, Onyx Boox, Wolder or the Sony Reader.
- Hybrids. Devices that share functions between smartphones and eReaders are thus known. Among the best known hybrids we have: the Yotaphone, and the InkPhone.
- Game consoles and internet connectionwhich inclusively provides programs for reading digital book formats, especially for children, as the Nintendo 3DS did with the Honto program and iBooks StoryTime for tvOS.
- Judging by the small resolution of the screen, it will depend on the acceptance by the consumer or reader. However, the contents have been adapted to them. Applications, browsers, office automation, books have already been developed; with specific formats and versions for smart watches. Among them we can mention: Glose (iOS), which has the option to display the text word by word due to screen limitations.
On the part of the digital bookstores, each one has access programs to the works of their store according to each type of technology beyond their tablets and/or eReaders, for which you must pay:
- Kindle Store: PC and Mac, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Samsung devices.
- iBooks apps on mobile devices and the iTunes Store on desktop.
- Google Play Books, downloadable on computers, already by default on Android, although there is also an application on iTunes.
- Kobo: Kobo Desktop, Android, Blackberry, iOS.
In most of these programs they have the eBooks read aloud. Innovation has gone so far that even for those who read books printed on paper, devices such as lenses or rings with cameras have been created that detect handwriting and read printed works for the user.
There are already many web pages that offer books online or in HTML without the need to download the document. However, like Lectulandia, none can offer you the simplicity of its free download, nor the variety of titles and authors compiled in this compendium.