Microsoft now sells tiny hoodies for cold Xbox controllers



People come up with all sorts of excuses as to why they just lost a video game with their friend: sometimes they don’t know how to play the game, they claim the controller isn’t working, or they’re duped friends. Who knew that saying the controller is too cold was an option?

However, Microsoft is here to help you with all your cold driver problems, in case you left yours outside in the snow overnight for some reason. The Xbox Mini Controller Hoodie is an adorable little jacket that can be slipped over your Xbox Controller, keeping it cozy while you sip eggnog by the fireplace or go sledding with the family.

The $24.99 Driver Hoodies are made from 100% polyester, come in black and white, and feature tiny zippers and a hood. One can imagine walking the controllers around the room like a boxer entering the ring and then unzipping while looking at your opponent.

While the first batch is out of stock, the next one should be available to ship by the end of February if you order soon. That will give Microsoft plenty of time to roll out little scarves, gloves, and boots, too. Dressing your controller in all that winter gear will probably end up taking about as long as kids trying to put on snow pants.

There are no washing instructions yet, but when you do wash them, it seems like a good time to text your parents: “I’m washing my Xbox controller hoodie.”

Via: PC World
